Chapter 41

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I opened the door to Ryder's car and got in the passenger seat. Libby got in the back and we waved goodbye to the guys before Ryder pulled out of the spot he was parked in. Over the past four days, I've done more homework than I have all year. Or at least that's what it feels like. Since Monday, every teacher has given me homework and piles of it, to all have done by the next day. My nights have been spent doing homework that it seemed none of my friends needed to do, but I guess they did because I have classes with Libby and Ryder.

Saturday was fun, the boys and Macy met up with Libby and I at the shops and the first thing we all did was get something to eat. After we ate, we walked around the shops and I even managed to buy a cute floral top and a pair of light blue jeans. Macy is really fun to hang around with, we have the same sense of humour and she fits in really well to our little group. Since Saturday she's been sitting with us at lunch everyday. I don't know what she said to Ashley, but I can't imagine it went down well when she told her she'd be sitting with us. Oh, and she also hasn't mentioned anything about Ryder and I from Friday night which is an added bonus. I'd been reluctant to trust her with such a big secret at first, but she's really proven herself by not even alluding to the situation in the slightest.

I spent majority of my Sunday catching up on homework from last week and putting the finishing touches on Macy and I's history assignment. We handed it in on Monday and Miss Greene seemed really happy with it. I hope we get a good mark because we put a lot of effort into it. I'd asked Ryder about his and Daniel's assignment and he'd said it was all right but it was awkward sitting with Daniel because they had nothing in common to talk about other than the assignment.

"Do you have more homework tonight?" Libby said from the backseat and I turned my attention to her.

"Yeah." I lied and she laughed lightly.

"That sucks." She admitted and I nodded in agreement. The truth is, Ryder was coming over tonight and we were going to continue with our movie marathon from last Friday, because Casey's party interrupted it. Why we decided to continue it on a Thursday is mainly because we'll probably do something tomorrow night with everyone else and then we'll never get around to it.

"Yeah, I don't get why you've been getting so much homework lately." Ryder said, continuing the lie while he stayed focused on the road.

"I don't get it either. It's been really annoying. It's like all of my teachers decided this week would be the best week to bombard me with piles of homework taller than me."

"Well to be fair, it isn't hard." Libby said and I turned to glare at her as Ryder laughed at her joke.

"I get it I'm small." I said rolling my eyes.

"But honestly, you've done a good job by doing it all." Libby said and I nodded.


"I barely handled that English task, and you had to do it alongside all that other stuff. I don't know how you did it." She added and I sighed.

"It's all a blur." I admitted and they both laughed. We pulled up outside Libby's house and she unclicked her seatbelt and opened the door.

"See you guys tomorrow." She said with a wave before walking away. Ryder waited for her to get inside her house before he pulled away from her house.

"You know what sucks?" I asked Ryder and he furrowed his brows, while his eyes stayed concentrated on the road in front of him.


"We don't have any ice cream today." I admitted and he laughed.

"True. We could go past the store and get some." He offered and a smile crossed my mouth.

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