Chapter 24

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"See you later," I called out to my parents as I closed the door behind me. I looked down to the street and saw Hunter's car parked. Leo, Hunter, Connor and Libby were all looking at me from their windows. As I approached the car they slowly rolled down the windows and I heard them all shouting at each other.

"I called it!" Libby yelled, "Sucked in Leo!"

"Shit. Far out Jade you couldn't have waited for two more minutes?" Leo asked me before his eyes flicked to Ryder's house.

"What?" I asked looking between all of them very confused.

"They had a bet on whether you or Ryder would come out first." Hunter clarified and I rolled my eyes. That makes much more sense. I noticed all there eyes were aimed up at Ryder's house and I looked over to see Ryder walking down his porch steps and towards the car. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he approached the car and noticed we were all watching him.

"Have I missed something?" He asked when he reached the car.

"They had bets on which of us would come out first. Libby won." I clarified and he nodded in understanding.

"So who's in the back back?" He asked Connor and Libby, looking through the back car window.

"You two." Connor said pointing between the two of us. I huffed in annoyance; I hate the back back seat. Connor opened the door and pulled the chair forward so we could squeeze in. I went first and climbed into the car, quickly followed by Ryder. Connor got back in the car and closed the door. As we began to drive away from our houses I felt Ryder lean towards me a little. I looked over at him confused and he turned his head to look at me. We were very close now and I felt my stomach pull at the close proximity.

"Nice butt, shortcake." He whispered and I rolled my eyes before pushing him away and laughing lightly. He's got to be referring to when I got in the car and my butt was sticking out. He smirked at me and rolled my eyes again.

"Your not funny, Ryder."

"Then why'd you laugh?" He asked rhetorically and I shook my head before looking away from him and out the window.

"So where are we even going?" I asked, turning my attention to everyone in the car.

"It's a surprise." Leo said from the front seat.

"But why?" I asked confused. Why is it such a surprise? Can't they just tell us? Basically the boys have been planning this all week and decided that they wouldn't tell us. They've been taunting us since Tuesday and now that it's Friday the day has finally come for this big mystery outing. The four of them all decided on this place and left Libby and I out of the loop, which sucks. It's really frustrating not knowing where you're going.

"Just shut up and wait, we'll be there in about ten minutes anyway." Hunter said and I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms looking out the window again. They're all so annoying. If they had just told us from the start then it would've saved a whole lot of headache for them. Libby and I have been pestering them all week about where we are going; but they brought it on themselves so I don't really care. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I looked over at Ryder. He was trying to hold in laughter as he pointed at the seat in front of us. I followed his finger and saw that Connor had his arm on the seat behind Libby; and my mind flashed back to the day we went ice-skating. Ryder put his arm around my seat, so why is he laughing at them? At least they like each other so it's not weird. When Ryder did it to me it was weird as heck.

"What about it?" I whispered to him so only he could hear me.

"Watch this." He whispered back before turning his attention to the two in front of us. I looked at them, bracing myself for whatever Ryder was planning. He lifted his hand towards Connors arm and pushed down Connors arm so that it fell onto Libby's shoulder. I saw Libby jump at the contact and Connor quickly turned around to face us, but didn't take his arm away. He gave Ryder and I a glare and Ryder was trying to hold in laughter. I don't get what's so funny.

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