Chapter 22

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My eyes opened and I was blinded by the light. Why are my blinds open? I turned over in bed and buried my head into the pillow. As I snuggled closer into the bed my eyes cracked open a fraction and I noticed the dark blue bed sheets I was comfortably lying amongst. My bed sheets aren't blue. I quickly sat up in the bed and noticed that there was someone lying next to me. It didn't take me long to figure out who it was even though his back was turned to me as he gently lay there asleep.

I racked my brain for the reasons as to why I'm not in my own bed and have instead been asleep here. The only thing that came to my mind was that damn party I had been forced to go to last night. After last weeks experiences I had vowed not to attend another high school party and to also never get drunk again, or at least that drunk. But of course Libby got her way, so when the boys invited us to a party being held by God knows who, I went. I did intend however to not touch a drop of alcohol, let alone get drunk enough to not remember my night, again. I don't recall drinking that much though, which is confusing. I only remember having two drinks because I made sure to not get drunk.

All I remember about the party was loud music, shady people and lots of booze. There was some explaining to be done, and it was going to be done by this boy asleep next to me.

"Ryder." I shout-whispered as I nudged his body. I made sure not to say it loud enough to wake his family. I don't know if they knew I was here, and them finding out this way if they didn't would cause all sorts of trouble for both Ryder and I. He didn't even flinch after my nudge so I decided to try again.

"Ryder." I whisper shouted again. This time he turned over in his sleep so he was now facing me. He looked so calm when he slept. His face looked like something created from the God's themselves as he lay there dreaming. It was time to pull out the big guns. I placed both my hands on his arm and shook as hard as I could. He awoke with a start and jumped when he realized what was going on. He quickly sat up and wiped his eyes before looking at me.

"Oh, it's you." He said annoyed that I had woken him up.

"Yeah it's me. And I am looking for some answers. Why am I here? And not ten feet away in my own bed, in my own house?"

He sighed before giving me a stare that could make grown men want to shrivel in a whole and die. I, however, stood my ground and crossed my arms looking directly at Ryder. "Can you give me some time before I'm forced to answer your questions. Honestly, give me just ten minutes to wake up properly and I'll tell you everything you want to know." He said before lying back down and pulling the sheet over him. I stood up and walked to his side of the bed without him knowing due to his eyes being closed. When I reached my destination I ripped his sheets away from his body and he rolled onto his back so he could give me another stare.

"Now, Steele." I said with annoyance and anger dripping from my voice.

"You're hot when you're angry." He said with a wink before sitting up and getting out of the bed. He walked over to the bathroom and turned to look at me opening the door. "Ok, ok, one minute." He said before stepping in and slamming it shut.

After five agonizing minutes of waiting for Ryder to come out of the bathroom he finally graced me with his presence again. Those five minutes had been spent contemplating the worst possible situations that could have happened to me last night and whether or not I'd like the truth of what had actually happened. He walked over to the bed and sat down facing me.

"Ok, well. Last night we went to a party."

"Yeah I know that."

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