Chapter 33

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I walked into the kitchen to find all the others sitting down eating breakfast. We're leaving today and I'm half glad, half going to miss it. I'm glad because I feel like maybe when we get back, these feelings that I'm feeling for Ryder will go away hopefully. But I will miss being this close to the beach and how easy it is to access such a beautiful beach.

"Wow, you managed to make breakfast without me." I announced as I entered the room. All eyes were on me quickly and they laughed. "So, who made it?" I asked eyeing the eggs and bacon on everyone's plate, except Ryder who had bacon on bread because he doesn't like eggs.

"Me." Leo exclaimed happily. "I slaved away all morning to make these beautifully fried eggs for us all to enjoy, and then Ryder comes in and starts yelling because he doesn't like eggs." He said looking over at Ryder before turning back to me. "So he's lucky I made bacon as well, aren't you?" He added directing the question at Ryder.

"Yeah whatever." Ryder said looking at his phone. I laughed lightly at Leo before going over to get myself some breakfast. Once I filled a plate I went and took the last seat on the table. Annoyingly it was next to Ryder and he doesn't seem very thrilled about being around me at the moment. Which is annoying because I don't really know why. I mean, yeah I was hanging out with Kyle yesterday but there's no need to get so annoyed about it. I see him pretty much every day and I'm not his girlfriend so he really has no control over me. Even though I kind of want us to be dating at the moment.

"So what are we doing today?" Libby asked the group and the conversations around the table stopped.

"Well we're leaving later on, but I don't know what to do until then?" Hunter said in reply and she nodded.

"Well I don't really want to go back to the beach." She said looking at me, and I knew she was saying it because of what happened yesterday. I looked at her and smiled slightly in thanks and she nodded lightly. The little exchange between us was how I knew that we would always be friends. We didn't even have to communicate to know what each other was thinking and I'm so thankful that she's made this suggestion. "Is there anything interesting to do around here?" She asked looking towards Leo.

"We could go for a walk down the shops, spend the day around there. Then come back in time to leave by around five." Looks were exchanged around the table and we all nodded in response.

After we finished eating we all headed upstairs to get ready to go out. It was another sunny day so I put on my blue shorts and the black tank top I'd worn on Friday. I slipped on my converses and headed back down stairs. I sat on the couch and scrolled through my phone as I waited for everyone to join me downstairs. I looked up as I heard footsteps coming down the hallway and looked over at the person approaching. I saw it was Ryder and our eyes connected for a second.

"Hey." I said politely as he came and sat on the other side of the couch.

"Hi." He said dryly and I sighed. I have to find out what is going on here.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked straight off the bat and he looked over at me.

"No." He said too quickly.

"Then what the hell is going on, because it's annoying me that I don't know why all of a sudden you've just cut me off." I said flatly and he sighed this time.

"It's fine Jade, we're cool."

"No it's clearly not fine." I said to him moving slightly closer. "You haven't spoken to me since the beach when you walked away. Does it really have something to do with Kyle?"

"Jade," he said lost for words and my heart jumped at the way he said my name. "I guess I just got a bit jealous that you were spending time with him that's all. But I'm over it now."

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