Chapter 19

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Ryder's P.O.V

The liquid burned as it raced down my throat. I must admit I was very surprised Jade and Libby were still standing after doing four shots, especially Jade who sounds like she's had more to drink than just the half bottle of beer I saw her with. Our glasses clinked down as they hit the table and I looked to the three I was drinking with. Jade looked very drunk, with her eyes glassy and Libby was well on her way. Connor was at the same level as me at the moment, which was not completely drunk but my vision was starting to blur slightly.

The boys and I, having been to enough parties to have discovered that there are nine stages of being drunk. The first stage is when your feeling it; its usually when you realise that your night is about to kick ass and usually happens within your first or second drink. The second stage is when your buzzed; this is the phase where you usually begin to talk louder and you feel pretty good, usually after your second or third drink. The third stage is when you're tipsy; your balance begins to falter and you start to slur your words, this can happen at any time depending on the amount of liquor you can hold. The fourth stage of being drunk is when you're sloppy; this is when you start to stumble and your attention span tends to weaken. The fifth stage of being drunk is when your horny; a horny drunk tends to be solely focused on getting laid or at least getting some sort of action. The sixth stage is the reckless drunk; this refers to the ones who will accept any dare thrown towards them or tend to be the ones who behave carelessly. The seventh stage is the hammered stage; your coordination tends to go out the window and it is usually the point of no return as it usually leads to the next stage. The eighth stage is a full blackout; from this point on you really wont remember a thing and you will definitely wake up with a killer hangover in the morning. The final stage of being drunk is the train wreck; lets just say a train-wrecked night can only end in one of three ways: in a hospital, in a jail cell or with your face in the toilet as you puke your guts out.

At this point in time I'd say Jade and Libby are at the sloppy stage while Connor and I are sitting comfortably at the tipsy stage. We can obviously hold much more liquor than they can, especially Jade who is the worse off of the four of us. I watched as she picked up the bottle of tequila going to pour another round of shots. I quickly reached out and snatched the bottle from her hands; she looked up at me and pouted.

"Hey! That's mine." She cried reached towards me for the bottle.

"I think you've had enough, Jade." I replied, before putting the bottle to the side.

"I'm fine, Ryder." She said leaning on the bench top for support. I nodded humouring her and she smile up at me. "See, so if you could pass me the tequila that'd be great." She continued before straightening herself up and trying to reach around me. I grabbed her wrists in my hands and pulled her towards me.

"No more," she pouted again at my words and tried to break her wrists free. She was pretty cute when she was drunk, and she looked so hot tonight.

"But we could do body shots." She continued, pressing for more alcohol. My eyebrows rose at her suggestion, but body shots always lead to sex and having sex with her in this state would not be ok. She's vulnerable and I can't take advantage of her, she's not like the other girls, Jade's different, she's my friend.

"It's tempting, shortcake, but no." I loosened my grip on her wrists and she tore them away from me.

"Fine." She said before rolling her eyes and turning around storming away. I quickly looked around and noticed that Libby and Connor had disappeared, so I was the lucky one who had to chase after the drunken girl. I followed her and she noticed straight away so she sped up, I don't know where she thinks she's going, the house isn't that big. "Why are you following me?" She said turning around quickly and I had to stop in my tracks in order to not bump into her.

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