Chapter 6

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"UNO!" Ryder screamed placing down his card.

I looked at the cards in my hand and then back at the most recent card that Ryder had just used. The red nine stared at me, but of course I didn't have any cards that could suit it. Reaching for the deck I slid up a card and saw that, to my relief, it was a draw four-colour change card. I smiled at Ryder before putting it on top of his red nine.

"Blue." I watched him pick up four cards from the deck with a smirk on my face. I can't really tell if he's into the game or not. Like sometimes he's really enthusiastic then other times, like now, he acts bored and not interested. He's so confusing.

I on the other hand loved Uno. I wasn't the best at it, but it didn't bother me. What bothered me was that I never had anyone to play against. So when Ryder had asked what we were supposed to do, I quickly suggested the game.

I put down my blue five that I was carrying. He retaliated with a blue skip, then a reverse and finally a three. He's back down to two freaking cards; whilst I on the other hand have three left, and they're all blue.

I placed down my plus two and he sighed. "Can't I just win already so we can be done with this stupid game?”

"No, and I'm winning now anyway."

"You're such a child." He said under his breath, but I just shrugged it off. Whether he was serious or not, I don't really care. His opinion of me doesn't bother me because I don't particularly like him anyway.

"Uno." I said calmly when I placed down my second last card. He put a yellow two on top of my blue two. Did he have to change the colour? I almost won. My last card, so flimsy and lonesome, was a blue seven; but it was about to be joined by another. I picked up a card from the deck and saw it was a yellow five.

"Uno." I put my five on top of the used stack.

"Uno." He said, after putting a yellow skip and seven down. His mistake in his last play was his use of the seven.

"Hey Ryder, can I tell you something?" I asked him sweetly.

"Hm." He hummed in reply with his eyebrow raised.

"I win." I said with a smile as I placed my last card on top of the used pile. He flipped his card around to show that he had a green three.

"Did you want to play again?" He asked in annoyance as he saw me gathering all the cards.

"Not against you, Ryder."

"Good." He replied in relief. "But I'm sure Andy could beat you."

"I doubt it, but anyway I reckon we head back downstairs." He nodded in agreement and stood up from his seat on the bed. I followed and chucked the deck of cards on my desk.

He just stood there staring at me in his creepy way. I motioned towards the door; does this guy have common sense? He turned, silently and left my room. I glanced in the mirror on my way out; yup I look the same as I did before. No surprise there, note the sarcasm.

We headed downstairs and I realised that our mothers were still sitting around the table. Their wine glasses were pretty much empty, and they were gas bagging like there was no tomorrow.

"Oh, Jade. Be a dear and go fetch the wine." My mother called to me as she saw us reach the bottom of the steps.

"Red or white?"

"White. It's the one that's open in the fridge." I nodded and headed to the kitchen. I pulled open the heavy door of the fridge, and just like she had told me the white wine bottle was on the shelf. I grabbed it and the OJ, pouring myself a glass before heading back towards them. I sat down on the table with my orange juice and handed my mother the bottle, she topped up the glasses.

"So as I was saying, Suz." Oh god, she's started with the nicknames. "Yeah the house is always vacant."

"But why?" Suzan asked in reply.

"We don't know. People who move in, tend to just move back out."

"Are you talking about our house?" Ryder asked politely. I'll give the guy credit; he's got respect for his elders. All night he's been quite the charmer for my parents, whilst throwing me death stares any chance he gets. What'd I do to deserve them, you ask? Well I really don't know. I mean it might've been the fact that I broke up his make out session with Ashley the other day, but I don't know.

"Yes, yes." My mum replied. "But as I said we don't know why. I mean there's the rumour among the kids in the street that it's haunted. But I highly doubt it. I think we'd know if it's haunted, I mean we've lived next door for how many years." Suzan and mum laughed at this.

"Well I can assure you, that we won't be going anywhere anytime soon. I actually quite like the house, and it has more room than our old one did. It's quite the upgrade isn't it, Ryder?" He nodded in agreement, but was typing away at his phone. He was probably messaging Ashley, ew.


"Well it was a beautiful night, the food was lovely and I highly enjoyed your company. But I think we should be going, it's getting late and the kids have school tomorrow." Suzan said, as she finished off her wine.

"Oh, you're right. It's almost 11:30." My mum claimed, realising the time on her wristwatch. They both got up from the table and my mum took their glasses to the sink. She reappeared in an instant, and the two began walking to the door."

"Harry, Andy. It's time to go." Suzan called into the living room as she walked past. Soon after the two walked out.

"Are we leaving already?" Harry asked his wife.

"Well it's almost 11:30, and Andy has a hard time getting up for school as it is. So I think it's best, but we will definitely do this again." She added, turning towards my mum with a kind smile.

"Of course, I had a great time." My dad nodded in agreement with my mum, as he went and stood next to her.

"Next time at our house."

"Thankyou dear, we'll be in touch." My mum said as she opened the door for the Steele family. I'm glad everyone else had a good time, but I don't think Ryder did and I know I sure didn't.

They waved goodbye as they walked out the house. My dad closed the door behind them and he turned back to us. "I think we made neighbourhood friends." My parents smiled at each other and shared a brief hug.

All their other friends lived in other suburbs and were at least a ten-minute drive away, so I don't blame them for being excited. Too bad it was Ryder's family.

"Anyways, I'm off to bed. Gotta get my beauty sleep and all." I said as I headed for the stairs.

"Jade, dear. Did you have a good time?" I heard my mother call from behind me.

"Yes. I had a blast." I tried to not make it sound sarcastic, but it did. Oh well at least they know the truth.

I quickly ran upstairs and got ready for bed. Well tonight is going to be a heck of a good story to tell Libby tomorrow.


Ryder's reaction to Jade just before she wins the Uno game and after she puts her last card down and wins.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! If you did please give it a vote and share your thoughts in the comments, it means so much to me when I see that someone has commented!! xx

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