Chapter 2

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Libby and I were in the middle of watching white chicks; which was probably my favourite movie ever. All night our movies had been interrupted by crashes and banging from my new neighbours. We heard the loud noise of glass breaking and a woman screaming "Ry not again!" sighing I got up and closed my window.

"It's gonna get stuffy in here." Libby complained; I rolled my eyes before looking at her.

"I'm sick of their banging. They've interrupted Glen Coco receiving four candy canes, Latrell singing a thousand miles in the car, and now the fashion show with the flamingo dresses!" I said stressing the flamingo dresses part. "How many times can 'Ry' break something?"

"I don't know; it's probably some little kid or a dog that keeps running around and bashing into things."

"You've just compared a little kid to a dog," I trailed off, looking at her like she was crazy.

"Who cares, they're both annoying. But not as annoying as this Ry character. We can't stop Ry from letting us breathe the fresh air that we so rightfully deserve." By this point she was standing to prove her point, I looked at her with a ‘what the hell is wrong with you' look before I started laughing at her.

"Fine, I'll open the window but if there's another loud noise that interrupts our movie, I'm shutting it." She nodded in agreement as I lifted the window back up, feeling the cool air hit me.

I went and sat back on my bed to continue watching the movie, it was up to the part where there were beads on the floor and all the models were tripping over and falling off the stage. We openly laughed, along with the audience in the movie, while we watched.

A minute or two later, we watched as the two bitchy girls from the movie fell onto the run way and then the red paint fell on top of them. The second the red paint hit them there was another bang from next door. I huffed in annoyance before getting up and heading over to my window. I gripped the window and went to pull it down.

"Jade wait!" Libby called out, "what if we go over there and ask if they could be quieter? Otherwise it's just going to keep happening." This earned her another look from me as if she was crazy.

"Libby we don't even know them, we can't just go over there and tell them to shut up." I stated.

"I never said that, I said we go and ask them to be quieter. We could tell them there's a baby that's trying to go to sleep." She suggested, I shrugged and sighed in defeat. It couldn't hurt could it?

We walked downstairs and out the front door to my house. When we stepped outside I noticed the moving truck was now gone, but there were boxes and furniture all over their front yard that still had to be taken in. Libby and I looked at each other and she motioned for me to go ahead. I rolled my eyes before grabbing her wrist and pulling her along with me. We walked up the porch steps and when we got to the front door I knocked.

"Just leave it on the lawn." A guy called from inside. I furrowed my eyebrows and turned to Libby. She shrugged her shoulders before I knocked again.

I heard footsteps and the door opened. We looked down to see a little boy about eight years old looking up at us.

"Who are you?" He asked us.

"I'm your neighbour and this is my friend," I introduced.

"What do you want?" The little boy asked.

I looked over at Libby and her jaw had dropped at the lack of manners from the little boy.

"We'd like to speak to your mum if that's ok." She replied to the little brat.

"She's busy." He said before slamming the door in our faces.

"Um..." Libby said and I shrugged.

"Well we tried," I proceeded to turn around and walk down the porch steps. Libby hesitated but followed me.

She overtook me and started jogging back to my house, "you better hurry other wise I'm starting the movie without you." She called to me, I laughed shaking my head and continued walking back down the pathway that lead to the street, dodging boxes on my way.

"Who was that?" I heard the same guy as before ask from inside the house. "Are you ok there, harassing my little brother?" I heard from behind me. I stopped and turned around. It was Prince Charming himself, Ryder Steele.

"We, um, I didn't, um-" I stuttered.

"You, you better explain before I call the cops. What the hell are you doing here?" He said mocking my stutter. Why am I so nervous? So he's the most popular guy in school, what's he going to do?

"We came to ask if you could be a bit quieter." I said clearly.

"We?" He asked raising an eyebrow as he looked around. "You're on your own." He stated.

"I know, my friend ran back to my house," I stated pointing to the house next door to his, which was mine. I saw Libby stick her head out of my bedroom window and give me a questioning look; I ignored her and turned back to Ryder.

"Well, I'm sorry if we're disrupting your sleepover." He said sarcastically, looking at me as if I wasn't worth his time. He gave me a fake smile before taking a bite of the apple I didn't realise was in his hand and slamming the door shut. My jaw dropped as I stared at it. Asshole, I thought to myself as I turned around and walked back to my house.

"You'll never guess who my neighbour is." I screamed out in an annoyed tone when I walked into my house.


“Wait so Ryder Steele is your neighbour? Are you sure you saw him right? Maybe it just looks like him, but it’s not. I mean why would he want to live there?” I have just finished explaining what happened between Ryder and myself in his front yard.

“I don’t know whether to take that to offense or not?” I said mockingly putting a hand over my heart and feigning shock.

“You know what I mean, like why would he want to live in the haunted house?”

“It’s not haunted Lib.” I told her shaking my head.

“I think it might be, I mean why else would nobody live there long?”

“Well in this case, I hope he moves out quickly, I don’t want to live next to Ryder and his little brat of a brother.” I stated, shoving more skittles into my mouth.

“Wait a second, what if he takes ‘the room’?” My eyes widened and I had to stop my jaw from dropping which would cause the skittles to pour out everywhere. ‘The Room’ is what Libby and I called the room directly opposite from mine. To be fair it was about two meters away but the windows were parallel. “Then again you might get to see him naked,” she added with a wink. My face scrunched up at the thought. Yeah he was hot, like Greek god hot, but I wasn’t keen on seeing his ‘member’. Libby started laughing and I looked at her puzzled.

“You were thinking out loud, dumbass.” I laughed to hide the redness that appeared on my face.

“Well I’m just hoping they leave that room vacant, because I don’t exactly want to see anything. If you know what I mean.” I nudged her arm suggestively.

“You’re sick.” She burst into laughter and I joined along. “But on the plus side, if the house is haunted, they’ll be gone in a matter or weeks.” I shrugged and began putting more skittles into my mouth. “So get a good look while you can.” She winked and I choked on the skittles.

“And I’m the sick one?” she nodded with a proud smile before popping open a packet of chips. “Anyway can we continue watching the movie?” She nodded and I quickly found the remote pressing play.


Ryder Steele (Colton Haynes) biting his apple like a sexy mofo on the side :) you're welcome

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