Chapter 5

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*****Kaitlyn's POV*****

"Who was that?" Marissa asked when I ended the call. "It was a fan I think tellin me to stay away from her boyfriend. But she never told me who her boyfriend was." I said and then I explained to them about the fight. Well mostly Marissa, Brianna was still stuck on her phone.

"You can't fight her dad! What if you seriously hurt him!? We all know you could kill a person if you get really mad!" Marissa said.

"I know I could kill someone with my hands and I know I can't fight her dad! So we're all goin the the alley and explain why I can't fight him."

"Ok but if they call you a chicken and weak and all that stuff just ignore them!!" Marissa said.

"Ya ya so do to them what I did to everyone in middle school and just ignore them when they're insultin me!"

"Yep!" Marissa said agreeing with me. "Ok it can't be that hard!"

**** 5 minutes later at the alley***

**Marisa's POV***

"Well well well, look who finally showed up! The little weakling! Hahaha!" A girl around 12 said.

"Awe isn't it past your bedtime little girl? It is after 5PM, so you should be gettin ready for sleepy time!!" Kaitlyn said while we both laughed. Brianna stayed home still oblivious to what's goin on. She still had her nose in her phone when we left.

The little girl broke me out of my thoughts when she yelled "NO MY BEDTIME IS 9PM! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!"

"Ok, I was just kiddin gosh! Now then I can't fight your dad if I do he might seriously get hurt!" Kaitlyn said.

The little girl just laughed and said. "HAHAHA don't worry about my dad getting seriously hurt. It's you who should be worried about getting hurt! My dad can kill someone within 20 minutes!"

"Hahahaha I could probably kill someone in 10 minutes! And I have my brothers to thank for that! Growin up with 2 older ones who try to kill you everyday makes you stronger because you have to fight back to not get killed!" Kaitlyn said.

It was true she grew up with 2 older brothers who tried to kill her everyday even when she was 7! "Anyways I can't fight your dad so bye!"


"What do you want now little girl?"

"You don't have to fight my dad just stay the fuck away from my boyfriend and future husband!!! UNDERSTAND!?!?!" The little girl screamed.

"Who's your boyfriend because I would love to know who I have to stay away from!?" Kaitlyn said with a hint of sarcasm in the question.

"Niall James Horan from One Direction!"

"No problem I'll stay away from him. I've never even met him and I doubt he likes me. So you have no problems with me gettin in your way." Kaitlyn said.

"You honestly don't know do you?" The girl asked.

"What don't I know?" Kaitlyn asked really confused.

****Brianna's POV*****

I was in the middle of texting Louis when Marissa and Kaitlyn left to go to some alley to fight someone. So I decided to tweet about it.

"@BrieOfficial:Kaitlyn & Marissa left to go to some alley to fight someone! I wonder why!"

I got a whole bunch of comments askin me why they went but one comment caught my eye!

Niall Horan commented "WHAT? WHY?"

So I replied "idk I was on my phone while they talked about it!"

He said "aren't you Kaitlyn's friend? Aren't you suppose to know why she went to go fight some random person! Aren't you worried at all to what might happen to your best friend?" (AN in here Twitter doesn't give you letter limits!)

I just sat there askin myself the same questions he just asked me.

So I replied "I am Kaitlyn's friend and I don't worry because she's strong and can seriously hurt someone! And I don't know why they went but I'm about to find out because I'm gonna call Marissa!"

"Good!" Was all he replied to me so then I called Marissa to find out what happened. She answered really fast which is weird Kaitlyn is usually the only one who answers really fast. There must be somethin wrong.

**phone call B:brianna m:marissa*

B: hey why is Kaitlyn fightin some one

M: well while you were on your phone someone FaceTimed Kaitlyn's iPod, because she doesn't have an iPhone, and it was a girl....

*Marissa explained everything to me*

B: oh ok so is she gonna fight him?

M: no she just said that Kaitlyn has to stay away from Niall.

B: what they haven't even met each other and probably never will since we couldn't afford back stage passes or even tickets

M: i know right it's weird but I gtg bye

B: ok bye tell me what happens when y'all get home.

M: okay

***end of phone call**

Hmm I wonder why she has to stay away from Niall. But I better tell him what happened. So I texted him thought it would be easier than twitter, so that's exactly what I did. I told him everything and for some reason he was really relieved. Well I didn't tell him the part where Kaitlyn was told to stay away from him and she agreed. I wonder why she has to stay away from him. I mean they haven't even met he can't like her. Can he?

***Niall's POV***

I can't believe Kaitlyn would agree to go fight some random person. I hope she doesn't get hurt! I really like her. All of a sudden Brianna texted me telling me everything and I was relieved that she didn't fight the person.

I'm going to ask management tomorrow if I can get her front row tickets and backstage passes for our show in Atlanta. I hope they let me and she comes.

I'll tell the boys my plan after I get the tickets and passes. But first I have to ask her if they have tickets. I'll ask her tomorrow since its already midnight. I guess I'll go to sleep.


What does Kaitlyn not know that the fans know?

From now on I'm updatin every Tuesday hopefully!

I didn't know what to call this chapter!!




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