Chapter 28

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****Kaitlyn's POV*******

It feels like I've been walkin forever! I finally made it to his house. I'm at the only person, who fully understands me, house. I knocked on the door and he answered it within a second of me knocking. When he opened the door I broke down, I started cryin and he didn't question me he just pulled me into his house and sat my on the couch and hugged me. After a couple minutes I finally settled down and that's when he asked me.

"What's wrong?"

"Everything! Everything is wrong, Allen!!" I said. All he did was hug me again. He's a great friend that knows everything that's goin wrong in my life. I've known him since I was a freshman in high school, he was a sophomore but we've been best friends ever since the day we met. No one else knew we were friends, we wanted to keep it a secret, so we did.

"Ok since everything's wrong, start with the least worse thing." He suggested and I agreed and then I told him everything that has happened. He understood pretty much all of it.

"Ok. I understand why you want to break up with him but what about your friends? Why don't they understand, I mean I know they wouldn't understand about why you wanna be an engineer, but that doesn't mean they should only think about them self and what's his face? You deserve to be happy and if breakin up with him would make you happy, then do it!" He said.

"And this is why we're friends!" I said huggin him.

"What are you talkin about we're not friends?" He said.


"We aren't friends we're best friends!" He said.

"Oh, you had me scared there!" I said and we just started laughing. But then I stopped, cause I realized I needed to ask him the most important thing. "Allen, can I ask you for a huge favor?"

"Yeah whys is it?" He asked.

"Can I stay here until college starts?" I asked. "I understand if you say no, it'll be fine." I rushed out after I asked him.

"Kaitlyn, it's fine. You can stay here for as long as you like." He said.

"Oh thank you so much!!" I said.

"You're welcome. Now that we got that out of the way, what do you say about me takin you out for some breakfast?" Has said.

"Noooo, I'll pay for breakfast since you're lettin me stay here." I said.

"Nope, it's my treat." He said.

"Ok whatever helps ya sleep at night!" I said and then we left for breakfast.

******Brianna's POV******

I can't believe Kaitlyn left us just like that. She could've at least waited until we were awake so we could kick her out. Me and Marissa decided last night that we were gonna kick her out when we woke up. Damn, she ruined our plans!! Ugh she messes things up so much!!! Anyway at least she's gone and not comin back! We will hopefully never have to see her ever again! "Hey Marissa, do you think she'll ever show up again?" I asked as Marissa was lookin over the menu for what she wanted for breakfast. I didn't feel like cooking, plus this is kinda like a celebratory breakfast now that Kaitlyn's gone.

"I don't know and I hope not!" She said. "That's it I'm not gettin anything!"

"Why not?" I asked her.

"Cause nothin on here looks good plus I'm fat!" She said.

"Oh please you're like a twig, I can break you into two parts! You have to eat you're too skinny!" I said.

"No I'm fat! Let's just go home!" Marissa said standing up.

"What? No I'm hungry and I'm staying so I can get somethin to eat!" I said.

"Fine then you can walk home." She said.

"What are you talkin about? I don't have to walk home, I'm the one with the keys!" I said.

"Oh yeah that's right. Oh well I need the exercise anyways!" Marissa said.

"Whatever, I'm done arguing with you about that! Just go home and starve yourself." I said.

"Ok I will!" She said happily.

******Kaitlyn's POV****

We left for breakfast and now we are at IHOP! It's not my favorite but I like it. Plus I get to have breakfast with my best friend so I'm happy. Plus I got away from those 2 people and I'm textin Niall and tellin him we need to talk. I think he's gonna call me. But I'm not gonna answer, until after breakfast.

We walked into IHOP and I saw the last 2 people I ever wanted to see! I saw Brianna and Marissa.

"Allen, we need to go."

"Why we just got here?" He said confused.

"Because they're here!" I said and he looked over to where I was lookin.

"Ok let's just go home I'll make you somethin."

"Aw thank you!" And I hugged him again. It's not even 10 o'clock and I've already hugged him about 10 times.

" you're welcome let's go home." He said and I agreed.

Back at home, Niall finally called me and since I'm home and not in public I answered.

(K-Kaitlyn N-Niall)

K- hello

N- hey what do you mean we need to talk

K- oh yeah umm there's no easy way to put this

N- wait are you breaking up with me

*he said that very happily*

K- yeah why do you sound happy about that

N- because I was going to break up with you

K- oh well I'm doin it first. Niall we're over ! Bye

N- wait that's not fair. I abated to break up with you

K- oh well too bad caus I did it first and you can't always get what you want believe me I know

N- whatever I hope you get hit by a bus!

And with that he hung up!

"Well that went well!" Allen said. I just laughed.

"haha yeah it went amazingly!" I said sarcastically.

"Well you look tired, you should get some sleep."

"You're right but I have one question for ya Allen." I said.

"And what's that?" He asked.

"Where am I sleepin?" I asked.

"Oh yeah. Umm I have a spare bedroom you can have. I have a room mate but he's not here, he left to go to college early. So you can have his room until you go to college."

"Thank you for everything!" I said while huggin him.

"Oh you're welcome." He said hugging back.

"Well I'm goin to sleep! Night!" I said and walked to my new room.

This day has been eventful for it only bein 10:30. I hope the rest of summer goes by fast. I want to go to college and graduate and move to Nashville, TN and be a sound engineer for a country music label.


Well I updated again! now that I'm on Christmas break and I've started readin on here again, I started writing! I know I only have like 2 readers and stuff but I hope y'all like it and if y'all don't please tell me! cause if y'all don't like it I'll stop writing and delete the book! I suck at writing so it all depends on if my 2 readers like this book, if I continue it or not! so please comment if you like it!!!!!!

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