Chapter 17

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******Kaitlyn's POV*******

When I woke Niall wasn't next to me. I guess they had to leave early in the mornin since they are on tour. Then again it is 1 in the afternoon. I got up and went to the kitchen and saw there was a note on the table. It said.


Sorry we had to leave without saying good bye but we'll see you guys in 2 days at the concert. We're on our way to Nashville, TN. Bye.

~Niall, Louis, Harry, Zayn, Liam

Okay so I was right they did leave and made their way to Nashville. I want to live there so bad! I decided to start makin lunch for the still sleepin girls.

Yay! The foods done and now for the fun part, wakin the girls up!

"GET UP AND DON'T MAKE ME GET A BUCKET!" I screamed and Marissa and Brianna shot up so fast. Anna was still on the couch. Taylor had to leave this mornin too because well she's on tour too. So I went and got a bucket and filled it with ice cold water. Good thing Anna slept on the couch we're gettin rid of. I then poured the water on her and she shot up so fast she fell. Then again the floor and couch were wet so yeah!

"Hahahaha! I told you! Ya should've gotten up the first time! Anyways lunch is ready." I said walkin towards the kitchen.

"OMG that was hilarious!" Brianna said walkin into the kitchen.

"Yeah it was but where's the boys?" Marissa asked. Anna went to the bathroom to change and dry off.

"Oh they had to make their way to the best city in the world!" I said and imagined what it would be like to live there.

"Earth to Kaitlyn!" Marissa said while snappin her fingers in my face. I shook my head to come back to reality.

"What?" I asked starin at the girls.

"You zoned out again! So where are the boys?" Brianna asked this time.

"Oh yeah they left this mornin to go to Nashville, TN. My dream city to live in." I said.

"Yeah that's right you've always wanted to live in Nashville while we were growin up. You still haven't gotten over that?" Anna said comin into the kitchen in dry clothes.

"Yes I still wanna live there. I also want to actually want to visit Nashville and go to the Bobby Bones studio!" I said. (AN: the bobby bones show is real and it's my fave mornin show of all time!)

"Okay back to real life! What's today?" Anna asked. We all just looked at her with our you-have-got-to-be-kidding-me face.

"Today's the 19th the day after we turned 19." I said.

"Oh yeah that's right! Yesterday we turned 19." Anna said realizing what she just asked was a stupid question. Well with these girls that's all we do us ask stupid questions. I usually answer with a sarcastic remark but right now I'm too hungry to think about one.

"Okay y'all can keep talkin and I'll eat the food I made us." I said gettin a plate and eatin one of the 4 cheeseburgers I made.

"Yeah I'm eatin too!" Brianna said.

"Good I spent time to make these." I said.

"Okay." Anna said with a hint of doubt in her voice that I actually made them.

"Are you doubting me? I actually made these." I said lookin at the mean person doubtin my cookin skills.

"Well it's just that you left out the rest of the already made but frozen hamburger patties." Anna said pointing to the food I forgot to put away.

"Crap!" I said. I also said some colorful words under my breathe. But I think Brianna heard me because she started laughin.

"Oh Kaitlyn it doesn't matter if you actually cooked this or not it matters if its good or not." Brianna said.

"Then take a bite and eat it. Because I think it's good. Then again I'm really hungry and I say that about like everything when I'm this hungry." I said.

"Hmm it's really good. Thanks for lunch Kay!" Marissa said usin my nickname she came up with in middle school.

"Lol thanks Mars!" I said usin her nickname I came up with in middle school as well.

"Welcome! So what are we doin today?" Marissa asked still eatin.

"Well what about we go shoppin for an outfit for the concert." I suggested.

"Sure that sounds like fun." Brianna said.

"Okay I'm goin to get ready." I said since I was already done with my lunch. I went upstairs and took a shower and then walked into my room to figure out what I was gonna wear today. I decided on some denim shorts with my duck dynasty shirt. I love duck dynasty so much! I put on some mascara and lip gloss. I'm not really into make up. I also out on my neon orange sandals and grabbed my purse that had my phone and keys in it. I walked downstairs and saw Marissa ready. She was wearin shorts and a hunter hayes shirt and her converse. Brianna finally came down after 5 minutes wearin shorts with a girlie girl original shirt and some sandals. Anna finally came down too. She was wearin the same thing and she had some bags.

"Why do you have bags and where did you get them?" I asked.

"Well y'all are goin shoppin for outfits for the concert and I already have my outfit picked out, so I thought I would run home and go to sleep. And I brought these bags yesterday because I knew I was gonna be stayin the night." She said.

"Oh okay well see ya later." I called out as she was leavin our house.

"Is it just me or was that really weird?" Brianna asked as we made our way outside to my new lime green convertible bug.

"No I thought it was weird too." Marissa said. As I was walkin to the car after lockin the house doors, I saw somethin movin in the bushes. So of course I looked in the bush.

"OH MY GOD!!!" I screamed


What do y'all think is in the bush?

I just wanna say thank you because I have 127 reads on my book and 12 votes I never thought that would happen! So thank you!!!

I couldn't come up with a name for this chapter. I'm sorry!

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