Chapter 27

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Kaitlyn's POV

Well the guys had to get ready for their concert so right now me, Marissa, and Brianna are in their dressing room. Brianna and Marissa are talkin to each other on how awesome they think the concerts gonna be and I'm sittin alone on the coach textin my mom. I know what y'all are thinkin "she's textin her mom? How lame!!!" But not really cause my dad just died so y'all who were thinkin that can just shut the fuck up!! Ok! Anyway onto a happier note, the concerts starting in 5 minutes so we are now in our seats waitin for the show to start!

*********2hours later*******

(Idk how long they perform never been to their concert)

We are all in the dressing room as. The boys are all sweaty and gross!

"So did you guys like the concert?" Louis asked.

"It was the best concert I've ever been too!!!" Brianna said.

"Yeah it was so amazing!!" Marissa said.

Now everyone's lookin at me for a response.

"Eh it was good and long." I said.

They all just stared at me lookin surprised.

"What do you mean eh it was good?" Brianna asked.

"It was good. I've been to 8 other concerts and I've had my favorites and this one is defiantly in the top 5!" I said.

"What other concerts have you been to?" Niall asked me.

"I've been to Brad Paisley, Alan Jackson, Lady Antebellum, Rascal Flatts, Blake Shelton, Hunter Hayes, The Band Perry, and my all time favorite concert...... Taylor Swift!" I said and when I said Taylor Swift Harry groaned!!

"What's wrong with Taylor?" I asked Harry.

"We dated and it didn't end well." He said.

"Oh I know. I loved Haylor!!! But ya know, I'm glad you and Marissa ended up together. But I still love Taylor so much!!" I said. They just liked at me like I had 5 heads or somethin.

"What?!!" I said.

"Well what are you're top 5 favorite concerts, in order from 5-1, and why?!" Niall said.

"Ok well, #5 is Blake because he looked straight into my eyes and waved at me, #4 Hunter because I went to that one with Brianna and Marissa and it was awesome, #3 The Band Perry because they had a meet and greet after the concert for everyone but my parents wouldn't let us stay so when I got home I sent out a tweet about it and tagged them in it and Neil Perry followed me, #2 y'all because it was awesome seein my boyfriend up on stage, and #1 Taylor Swift because she was my first concert and I absolutely love her I've been a huge Swiftie since the start of her career, since before there were swifties!!" I said and they just started laughing at me! "Why are y'all laughing at me?"

"Cause those are ridiculous reasons to love concerts!!!" Harry laughed!

"Whatever! I'm outta here!" I said and got up San walked away! No one came after me cause they were still laughin. I got a friend I know who was in Atlanta to take me home. He stayed with me for an hour and that's when my so called friends came home.

"Why did you leave so fast without sayin bye to your boyfriend? You do realize we're not gonna be able to see them until the tour is over right?" Marissa asked.

"Yeah I know that. But I don't care cause I might break up with him." I said. Brianna and Marissa just started freakin out. "What's wrong with y'all?"

"You can't break up with THE Niall Horan!!!" Marissa and Brianna yelled at me.

"Why not? The last time I checked this was a free country!" I said.

"So you just can't break up with him!!! He's amazing plus we already planned our future out!!" Marissa said.

"No y'all planned y'all's future. I want to go to college and be a sound engineer and work a record label in Nashville, TN. Y'all planned y'all's future with celebrity boyfriends I planned mine on me!! I wanna work and do what I love, and I live music and I want to be a sound engineer so I am chasing after that! It is my dream to be a sound engineer! Y'all just don't understand me!" I said and stormed off to my room.

********* Marissa's POV*******

"Wow and I thought sayin goodbye to the boys was hard, convincing Kaitlyn to not break up with Niall is gonna be so hard!! She has her hopes on bein a sound engineer but I bet you anything that that's not gonna happen!" I said to Brianna.

"Yeah she just needs to forget what she wants and do what makes Niall and us happy! She needs to stop bein so selfish!! Well I'm goin to sleep night!!" Brianna said and we went to bed.

***********Kaitlyn's POV*****

They jus don't understand how important this is to me! They also have no idea about what just happened! Niall just said he loved me and I don't know what to say to him cause I don't love him back! This is just too overwhelming!! So I called my best friend and I'm now packin my stuff cause I'm stayin with her until I go off to college!

********Marissa's POV******

Well it's the day after the concert and I just woke up and now for Brianna's amazing pancakes that she said she would make!! Now I just gotta wake her up. So I woke her up and I walked into the kitchen and saw a piece of paper on the table so I read it.

Dear Marissa and Brianna,

I'm sorry I just can't do this anymore. I moved out and I'm stayin with someone until college starts! I'm gonna break up with Niall and I'm gonna chase my dreams of bein a sound engineer! I know y'all don't understand and probably never will understand why I want to be a sound engineer so bad, so here's one reason that might make you understand, my dad always said to be what I want and I told him I wanted to be a sound engineer and he said if I'm gone by the time you go to college, I want you to peruse that dream do it for me! I don't care if you don't wanna be it anymore just do it for me, become a sound engineer for me and go work at a recording studio in Nashville, TN for me! I didn't tell y'all this but he died yesterday right before the concert and that's why I wasn't really payin attention to the concert. I'm sorry for everything I put y'all through, y'all will never have to put up with me ever again!

Love y'all forever,


What the heck? So she just packs up and leaves just like that and sprung this all on us?! What kind of friend is she?!!!

"Brianna get your butt down here and read this!!!" I yelled. Brianna came down the stairs and read the letter.

"WHAT?!!! What kind of person does this, especially to her best friends?!!! Whatever you know what we don't need her! And we'll be the ones famous for havin famous boyfriends and she'll just be a stupid sound engineer in Tennessee!!!" Brianna said.

"Yeah she won't be famous and have amazing boyfriends like us and be a stupid engineer!! Like what kind of girl wants to be an engineer?!" I said.

"Seriously!" Brianna agreed.

************************************* Well y'all I updated!! Hope y'all don't hate me and if you do I don't care!!!!

I know I haven't updated since September but Merry Christmas!!! hope y'all's Christmas was good! sues mine was awesome except the fact that my cousin is in the hospital and my brothers friend was in the hospital and my best friends dad died but other than those sad moments, mine was awesome!!

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