Chapter 30

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I woke up when Allen walked thought the doors. I checked my phone and saw I hade 20 missed calls from Brianna, Marissa, Niall, and the rest of the boys. I decided to ignore their text messages and phone calls and their voice mails.

"How was your day?" He asked me.

"Well I stayed home like you said and I slept for pretty much the entire day!"

"Well good so you'll be awake all night cause we are having a movie marathon and I have pizza and we can order more if you want!" He said.

"Oh my gosh! This is why you're amazing!!!"

"Haha yeah I know!"

We decided to start with the movie "Frozen"(have any of y'all seen it? It's amazing!!!) and then we watched a bunch more movies I'm too lazy to name!! It was about 5 in the morning when I fell asleep on Allen's shoulder. I woke up by someone calling my phone. I don't know how my ringer got turned on, but I answered it.

Unknown: Call Niall and tell him you want to get back together with him!!!

Me: what?! Who is this?

U: That doesn't matter! Call him or someone will get hurt!!!

M: Fine I'll call him!

U: Good!!!

Then they hung up. It was a very weird call, so I called Niall and he answered.

M: Why did someone call me and say to call you or someone will get hurt?

N: I don't know but I need to talk to you!!

M: What? I don't have all day. I have to pack my stuff and be on my way.

N: Where are you going?

M: College! It's the end of July it's almost time for registration. Now what do you want? I also have to call someone else.

N: I want you to be my girlfriend again!!

M: why? We have nothing in common and we only fought?! I don't see how that's a good relationship! Plus I like being single! I don't have to worry about someone else's feelings! I don't need to be in a relationship! I don't need to rely on someone, especially not someone famous, when my personal life becomes everybody's life! I don't need that! Especially now that I'm going to college! Goodbye Niall!

N: Wait! Please just hear me out!!

M: Fine what is it?

N: Well, I miss you! I miss your sarcasm and your meanness and your non-tolerance for idiots!!! And how you hate annoying people! I miss waking up with you in my arms!

M: (@_@) whatever, no one missed that and never will! That was all a lie!

N: Yeah it was! Brianna told me it'd work and you'd come crawling back!

M: Well you tell Brianna that she can fuck it! I don't come crawling back to anything so I don't know what she's talking about! Good bye Niall!

N: Goodbye Kaitlyn.

(End of call)

"Ugh!! I need to punch something!!!!"

"Here punch this." Allen said hanging up a punching bag while handing me a pair of gloves.

"You know me so well!!!"

"Yeah well that's because I'm...."

"Awesome!" We both said. We started laughing and then I punched it and it felt good so I kept doing it.

"Dang you're good at this!" Allen said surprised.

"Yeah it makes me feel good on the inside!" I said smiling.

"Haha you should become a boxer instead of a sound engineer." He said.

"Oh well it's too late! The first year of college is already paid for!" I said shrugging.

"Awesome! So what do you wanna do for lunch?" He asked.

"We should go out since today is my last day in Georgia!"

"Good idea."

"Wasn't it?! Let me go shower and I'll be ready by 11:30." I said.

"But it's already 11." Allen said.

"What's your point? I don't take very long to get ready! I'll be ready by 11:30!" I said running upstairs to take a shower, get dressed, and do hair and makeup.

By 11:29 I was downstairs with my shoes on and ready to leave. I was waiting on Allen to come downstairs. (@_@) he finally came downstairs and we went to Red Lobsters. When we were done there, Allen stopped by Starbucks and bought me my favorite drink, Double Chocolate Chip Frappachino!!! I was so happy! When we got home I started packing everything into my truck. My parents traded my beetle in for a black bronco! It was gorgeous!!! When I was all done putting everything into my truck I locked it and went back inside. Since I have a cap on the back of my truck, I didn't have to worry about my stuff getting wet. When I got inside I made dinner for me and Allen and then we went to sleep, we had to wake up at 4am to make it to Nashville by registration time.

When we woke up, we got ready and left for Nashville, TN! My dream city to live in, I am finally living out my dream!! I'm going to college and living there!!! I'm so happy!!!

When we got to Nashville, and I got registered and moved in, we decided to walk around and learn the place. Allen was moving up to Nashville too because he was going to the same college as me, but I don't know what he was majoring in. We went to Starbucks and I remembered I still haven't called my agent to tell her that I'm selling my house and to have the others move out.

M: Hey Julie

J: Hey Kaitlyn, what's up?

M: well as you know the summer is coming to an end and college is starting soon.

J: what are you trying to say?

M: I moved to Nashville for college so I need to sell my place.

J: but what about....

M: don't say their names!! I'm through with them! If they're still there kick them out! I'm selling the place and putting the money in the bank and saving it for school next year.

J: ok well I'll kick them out and get back to you.

M: thank you so much. And Julie.

J: yeah?

M: I'm gonna miss you!

J: well after college, you're coming back to Georgia, right?

M: no I'm gonna live here and get a job as a sound engineer for a recording studio. I'm sorry.

J: it's ok I knew you were gonna leave sometime. Well I'm gonna miss you too!

M: but I'm coming back when you get the house sold so I can collect the money and then we can have a proper goodbye. And I can say goodbye to the only town I've ever lived in.

J: goodbye Kaitlyn.

M: goodbye Julie.

(End of phone call)

"Well we should get back to our apartment." I said. Yep that's right me and Allen live together again.

"Yeah it's getting late. Plus we have to get up early so we can drive home and get my stuff and my car."

"Oh yeah, that's right. Well let's go home." I said and we started walking back to our apartment, the one that Taylor Swift lives in!!

When we got home, we said our goodnights and went to bed.

(=^.^=) (^_^) (^.^) XD ^~^

Hope y'all like it!!!! I wrote this entire thing while watching the I Heart Radio Country Festival on the internet!!!!! who here loves Luke Bryan?! he's so good looking!! so is Kellin Quinn!!!!😍😍😍😍😍😍 I wanna see how many of y'all know who Kellin Quinn is! comment who he is!

Love y'all!!! BYE!!

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