Chapter 12: Party part 2

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Chapter 12: party part 2

"Kaitlyn, you remember-" Brianna said.

"Ryan?!"I yelled out cuttin Brianna off.

" WTF are you doin here?!" I yelled.

"Kaitlyn, I like you and I've liked you since 8th grade." Ryan told me.

"Oh really? You liked me when you said that I never left you alone and when you called me a bitch and a stalker and when you stopped answering my texts ns when you blocked me on Instagram? You liked me through all that?!"


"You know what Ryan I liked you."


"Yes in 8th grade before you said all that stuff. I thought you were funny, nice and cute. And you were the reason why I liked riding the bus. I never liked riding the bus before I started liking you because I didn't have any friends on the bus so I would just sit there listenin to music but when I started liking you and we talked and stuff I didn't listen to music as much. I remember everything that happened on the bus between me and you. From you askin me like everyday if you could play on my iPod to when you sat next to the 6th grader and me and her started talkin and I was gettin angry and we got into a verbal fight and you said you were scared to sit there because you were the one in between us. I liked you and on the last fay of school I was gonna tell you that I liked you. Even after everything that happened I still liked you. But I got I've you that summer and I deleted everything that had you in it which means I got rid of the pic I had of you that you told me to delete and I never did until the last day of school because I knew I would never see you again so I started to attempt to get over you and guess what! It worked I got over you and I deleted your contact info and everything that reminded me of you. You were the first person that I actually liked. But before you I only ever had like 2 crushes and then in high school nothing changed. I hated high school I still haven't had a boyfriend and I never had a crush after you. Yeah there was some cute guys but they were popular and would never go out with a smart band geek like me. So I never even talked to a cute boy after you. I mostly talked to the smart engineer boys like me. But I never thought of them bein cute. A couple of them asked me out but they were too much of my friends that I thought it would ruin our friendship if I went out with one of them. And that's why I never told you I liked you in 8th grade."

"Okay whatever!" That's all he said to that and then he grabbed my hands and made me look at him.

"But I like you now so the question is do you like me back!"

"No I don't! I liked you years ago. But now I don't!" I said and turned around and saw everyone's eyes were on me and I just said "I'm sorry!" And started cryin and ran up the stairs to my room and shut the door and flopped onto my bed and cried!

*knock knock*

"Go away!" I said lifting my head up from my pillow.

"Come on Kaitlyn can I come in?"

"Who is it?" I asked

"Taylor." Taylor said

"Yeah I guess."

"Hey are you alrig-" she stopped and looked around my room. I had a bunch of Taylor Swift posters on my wall and all kinds of designs of the Keds she designed. "Wow! I love your room!"

"Lol thanks and I love it too. Mostly because you're my favorite singer."

"Thanks so are you alright?" She asked sittin next to me on my bed. I decided to sit up.

"Not really. All the stuff I said to him was all true. That's how I felt in 8th grade and I've never had a boyfriend even at 19. I'm gonna die alone." I said still cryin.

"Shhh it's gonna be alright. You know why?" Taylor said huggin me.


"Because I'm here and you have your friends and your family." She said still huggin me

"Thanks and not so much my family."

"Why not your family?" Taylor asked when she finally let go of me.

"Well over the past couple of months I haven't really been talkin to my parents and I haven't seem my brothers in years."

"Oh well you have all your friends and us country singers. Mostly me because I'm gonna be your new friend." Taylor said.

"Lol really you wanna be my friend? That's like my dream. Well actually my dream was to meet you so my dreams came true!!!!" I said laughin and hugged Taylor.

"Lol well why don't we fix your make up and you change into somethin comfortable and we go back down there for the rest of your party." Taylor said.

"Okay." I said as I got off my bed went to my dresser and got out some sweats and some socks. I went into my bathroom took my make up off put on my sweats and my socks and walked out and over to my closet where my collection of Keds were and slipped on my favorite pair.

"I love your shoes!" Taylor said and we laughed.

"Lol you should you're the one who designed them." I said while we were walkin out of my room and then I saw Ryan on the ground and Niall standin in front of him shakin his hand like it hurt. I wonder what happened! But right now I wasn't worried about that, I was worried about Niall's hand and if he was alright!


Hey y'all I updated two times today but that's because I'm so happy! Today's my birthday and my friends birthday and Blake Shelton's birthday!!!! Hope y'all like it! And all that stuff I said about the dude doin to me is all true! And just recently got over him and now I couldn't be happier!!!!

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