Chapter 9:Birthday!!!

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****June 18th****

***Kairlyn's POV****

I woke up at 8:30am and I stood up and screamed "TODAY'S MY 19th BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!" Brianna and Marissa came runnin into my room with smiles on their faces. They screamed"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!"

"Thanks y'all!" I said while huggin the life out of my bestest friends in the whole world!!

"So what do y'all have planned for me today?" I asked while we walked downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Somethin" Marissa said.

"Naw really! I never would've guessed that!" I said sarcastically.

"Yeah, so what do you want for breakfast Birthday Girl?" Brianna asked.

"Idk make me a lot of food and make sure you include meat in it!" I said while I walked over to the iHome, we all share, that had my blue iPod 5th gen on it. I checked my Instagram first and posted a pic with the caption "kassidy61899: aww thanks girls for makin me a special birthday breakfast!!!😄" (AN: that's my actual Instagram name! If you want go follow me!!) I tagged the girls in it and I guess they checked it right away because next thing I knew I heard laughter comin from the kitchen. Then I went to twitter and sent out a tweet.

"kkwin99: today's my 19th birthday!!! YAY!!! Can't wait to see what my friends have planned!"

I got a bunch of RT and Favorites. I also got a bunch of hate from One Direction fans. Which I didn't understand, I mean why would 1D fans be lookin at my twitter and sendin me hate. So I went to the boys twitter accounts. I saw nothin on Liam's, Harry's, Zayn's, or Louis', but Niall wrote somethin and I was about to read it but Marissa snatched the iPod away from me!

"Hey!!! I was about to see if Niall put anything on twitter about my birthday!!!"

"How would he know its your birthday today? Haha!" Marissa asked nervously. Which was weird because Marissa doesn't really get nervous.

"Idk, but when I sent out a tweet sayin it was my birthday I got a lot of hate and even before I sent out a tweet I was gettin a lot of hate? So I was checking all the boy's twitter to see if they wrote anything about it. Because how else would One Direction fans know that it's my birthday today?" I asked a little freaked out. " what if there are fans that are stalking me? That would be really creepy and weird!"

"Yes, it would be and I doubt it! I mean you're a regular 19 year old. Plus there's no electronics today!" Marissa said.

"WHAT??!!!WHY!!!?!" I screamed as Marissa covered her ears because she hates it when I yell.

"Because it's your birthday and we don't want you to be on all the social networks you have!" Brianna said comin out of the kitchen with a bunch of food. I got up and ran to the dinning room table as Brianna was settin the food down. I grabbed a plate and put one of everything on it. There was eggs, French toast, pancakes, waffles, sausage, bacon, sweet tea, orange juice, milk, and chocolate. I know what y'all are thinkin What sweet tea and chocolate for breakfast? But I LOVE sweet tea and I LOVE chocolate and Brianna knows that so she gave me that for breakfast. I got a big glass of sweet tea and started eatin. All of a sudden I saw a flash and heard a click. I soon realized what just happened they took a picture of me stuffing my face with food! Even though Marissa took my iPod, I took it back and saw that I had a notification from twitter sayin that I was tagged in a picture!!!


Brianna and Marissa laughed so hard they fell out of their chairs and onto the floor! What they didn't know was that I was mentally comin up with revenge!!!! After breakfast I went and took a shower and started blaring One Direction. When I was in the shower listenin to them I started singing and when I got out, I heard clappin comin from my bedroom, so I poked my head out of the bathroom to see Marissa, Brianna, my mom, and Anna my friend from elementary school- high school! We lost touch when we went to different colleges. I was so happy she was there that I was standin in the bathroom lookin like an idiot for havin a huge smile on my face. But I soon realized I was still in a towel, so I hurried and got dressed and did a little make up and just ran my fingers through my naturally wavy hair, then put on my DC SnapBack. I ran out of my bathroom and saw they were still in my room and Anna's back was to me. So I ran to her and jumped on her back! She fell to the floor, while everyone was laughin I got up off of here and helped her up. We hugged for like 5 minutes and then I asked "What are you doin here?"

"Well, Brianna contacted me and asked me to come to your house so we could re-unite on our birthday!" She said. I then looked at Brianna and hugged her so tight she said "uh Kaitlyn I can't breathe!" I let go and said "Oh sorry!"

I then hugged my mom who I haven't seen in like a year. "Where's Andrew and Justin?" I asked when we were done huggin.

"Well, Andrew's workin in Atlanta and Justin recently got a scholarship for football." She said. "Well isn't it good that you and dad made him do football even though he wanted to quit!" I said surprised.

"Well, I'm hungry why don't we go out for lunch and we can talk more." I suggested. "That sounds great!" My mom said. "We can't we have to do somethin don't we Brie?!" Marissa said. "Oh yeah we do but y'all go we'll catch up later." Brie said. "Okay well just let me go get my purse and we can leave." I said and ran upstairs.

***Marissa's POV****

"So is everything ready for her party?" I asked Kaitlyn'a mom.

"Yeah, her dad and brothers are comin in an hour. So what time does the party start?" Her mom asked.

"At 7. And they boys are comin for sure. But just to make 100% sure I'll text Harry again and make sure." I said while gettin my iPhone out of my pocket to text Harry.

To : Harry<3;)- are y'all still comin tonight?

From :Harry<3;)- yeah and Kaitlyn see what Niall put on twitter about her birthday?

To :Harry<3;)- no I took her iPod away from her before she could why did he post somethin though I mean she got a lot of hate about it

From :Harry<3;)- idk I guess he thought she wouldn't get hate about it but he was so wrong

To:Harry<3;)- yeah he was wrong but just don't forget that y'all have to be here by 6 just to make sure everythin is perfect!

From:Harry<3;)- wait isn't Kaitlyn going to be there?

To:Harry<3;)- no her moms takin her and her other friend Anna out for lunch and then to a spa which is gonna take some time and then they're goin shoppin and while they're doin that her dad and her 2 older brothers are comin here so they can help us get ready for the party and so Niall can talk to her dad about askin that question

From:Harry<3;)- oh ok I got to go they lads are waiting for me bye

To:Harry<<3;)- okay bye

After u sent him the last text Kaitlyn came down the stairs with her purse and they left to go out. Hopefully her mom and Anna don't say anythin about the party!

AN- yay I updated!! 4 more days well technically 3 if you don't count the 18th! I can't wait! But idk why it's not like I'm havin a huge party all I'm goin for my birthday is goin out to dinner and sittin around my house and writtin the next update!

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