Chapter 35: 10 Years Later

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Nevaeh's POV:

10 years later

I sit on the black leather couch, Ava laying down on the carpeted lounge room floor watching Dora. I run my fingers through her beautiful blonde hair, her fist rubbing at her tired eyes as she yawns. Ava came running into our bedroom at 4 am with tears streaming down her beautiful skin, she had had a nightmare like every single night since the incident that happen a year ago that has scarred our 3 year old daughter.

Demi and I were walking through a busy airport, there was many fans trying to get our attention and a lot of paparazzi just wanting to get a good photo of us. Ava managed to wonder away like any 2 year old does, before we had a chance to notice a guy in the paparazzi had picked her up, starting to move for the exit. He was stopped by security, she was crying and he was arrested for attempted kidnapping.

"Mommy, can I go to bed. I'm tired," Ava whines, running her eyes until they turn bright red.

"I'm sorry my beautiful baby girl but we have to leave soon to go see Grandma and Grandpa," I say softly, kissing the top of her head softly.

My attention turns to the sound of foot steps coming closer and closer towards the lounge room. I look up to see my beautiful little sister Railey carrying Trenton on her hip and held Noah's hand in her own. Both of my beautiful boys looking so cute in their matching Pj's, their blonde hair matching Ava's and my own. We all share the same blue eyes that I just can't get past.

Once Noah sees myself and his baby sister, he runs over kissing his little sister head and crawling up into my lap. He kisses my lips, turning around to watch the TV as his twin brother Trenton sits on the floor next to his baby sister on the floor with his eyes glued to the TV.

I never thought identical twins could be so different from each other..

(Flash Back Starts)

I lay in the hospital bed, barely able to move my own body due to the horrible pain. I just want to puke so fucking badly right now. Our first born sons arrived just over an hour ago by C-Section, we haven't seen them yet and it is honestly is killing me. Demi lays beside me, rubbing my painfully sore back as best as she can, kissing my head as she hums a song to eliminate the silence that could easily fall between us. It wouldn't be awkward but it wouldn't feel right either. Demi runs her finger to my long blonde hair, I let my hair grow out not wanting to put poisons into my body whilst I was carrying the two most precious things inside my stomach at the time.

A nurse in teddy bear printed scrubs walks into my hospital room, her black hair held in a back into a bun with a thin layer of make up on her face. She holds two babies bundled up in a blanket each, one wears a yellow beanie and the other one wears a blue one.

"Would the proud mommies like to hold your baby boys?" She asks with a sweet smile on her lips.

I nod eagerly, she smile down slipping the little boy with a blue beanie into my arms. I watch as Demi carefully holds him to her chest, so in love with him already. We had both talked about names for them, never deciding on exactly what to call them.

"Demi, we still haven't picked names out," I say softly, catching her attention.

"I like Noah. It was the only one we could actually decide on," Demi says, looking down at the baby in her arms.

"I think that is perfect. I've been thinking so much and I think Trenton is perfect for this little guy."

The nurse brings in the forms to lodge their certificate of birth, I am the one to write it down as Demi coos over the boys.

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