Chapter 15: A Warrior With Battle Wounds

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Nevaeh' POV:

I pull my black skinny jeans up over my ass going them up quickly, followed by my Jack Daniels tank top with my new black leather jacket over the top that Camila bought me yesterday. I walk to the front door, lacing my new black converses up. I grab my keys, purse, key card and my new iPhone 4s Camila bought me from off the table buy the door.

She walks up, entwining our fingers and kissing my jaw line as we walk down the hallway to the elevator to head down stairs. We walk out the doors of my hotel, I'm walking Camila to the car because she is leaving today to head home to do some concerts with her amazing group Fifth Harmony. I'm friends with all the girls especially Dinah and Lauren, they are amazing girls who I'm glad to have had the chance to get to know them. I'm really going to miss Camila, I know we haven't been dating that long but she is my girlfriend. She has been there when no one else is and now she can't be here physically.

I lean in kissing my girl with all the passion in my body filling it, just so she knows exactly how much I'm going to miss her. She smiles into the kiss before pulling away, wrapping my arms around her neck and her own around my waist as I just look down into her eyes just wanting her to stay here because she is my rock and my strength.

She gets in the car, turning the keys in the ignition bring the car to life. She winds down her window, I peck her lips letting my eyes stare into her loving and warm chocolate brown eyes, causing tears to fall down my cheeks silently.

"Goodbye Princess..," she whispers as the car pulls away from the curb heading down the road.

I wipe my tears away, pulling myself together. I start walking the two blocks to the X-Factor building for my mentoring session with Demi..

I walk along the hallway, heading towards the open studio door. As I grow nearer I can hear the sweet voice of Demi's flowing out the room, her singing beyond unbelievable! The music filling my ears as the lyrics burn into my soul.

"..There's a part or me I can't get back

A little girl grew up too fast

All it took was once, I'll never be the same

Now I'm taking back my life today

Nothing left that you can say

Cause you are never gonna take the blame anyway

Now I'm a warrior

I've got thicker skin

I'm a warrior

I'm stronger than I've ever been

And my armour, I'd made of steel, you can't get in

I'm a warrior

And you can never hurt me again

No oh, yeah, yeah

You can never hurt me again!"

I clap my hands together causing her to jump, turning around to stare at me awkwardly. The lyrics swirl around my head, ringing so close to home it makes me think.. I've never ever heard this song, I know it isn't one of Demi's off her three albums she has recorded. I know I'm creepy, but I use to be a huge Lovatic!

"Uh.. Hey," she says awkwardly looking at me with an unusual expression I haven't seen on her face before.

"Hey, are you ready to get started?" I ask her giving her a huge to make her hopefully get rid of that look and make things hopefully less awkward for both of us.

I pull away seeing her smile with the sparkle hitting her chocolate brown eyes as I know it's real. The camera man walks in with his camera at the ready videoing us, wrecking our whole cute moment we were having.

"As you know we lost Becca. That means it's just you and Lacey now. We will be working for longer amounts of time of time when we do have our mentoring sessions," she says with her serious business face falling perfectly in place as her smile completely disappears.

I nod my head letting her know I'm listening but I have nothing to add because honestly I just want to get started. I don't want to go home so this is the best way to stay in the competition.

"With this weeks theme I have chosen for you to sing How You Remind Me By Nickelback," she says smiling as she hands me paper with the lyrics written down.

"Oh my gosh! Yes!" I yell loudly fist pumping and dancing around to the sound of Demi's contagious laugh at my childishness.

I walk into the booth, pulling on the head phones. I start up with warming up my vocals and looking over the lyrics. The music starts to play causing a smile to slip onto my lips. I know this song like the back of may hand because Nickelback is one of my favourite rock kind of bands, not that Demi would know that!

"Never made it as a wise man

I couldn't cut it as a poor man stealing

Tired living like a blind man

I'm sick of sight without a sense or feeling

And this is how you remind me

This is how you remind me

Of what I really am

This is how you remind me

Of what I really am.."

We sit in the booth on stools, I smile at Demi as I eat my salad, washing it down with my bottle of water. After two hours of practicing 'How You Remind Me' we decided it was time for lunch so we ordered food. Demi was so happy with my singing with her choice of song for me this week, little did she know that this song I know I can sing well. It's fucking Nickelback!

"Do you think I have a chance at winning?" I ask her curiously.

I know that curiosity killed the cat but I am NOT a cat! It is perfectly natural to be curious.. Most of the time when I hear people say that it is when they are referring to a teenage girl coming out as bisexual or lesbian.

"You have a high chance," Demi says bringing me out of my thoughts before continuing to eat her pasta.

I am sweating in this jacket it is beyond ridiculous! I pull off my jacket, chucking it on the ground as I find Demi's eyes on my arms. I don't really blame her because on my forearms lie bright pink lines of scars. The ones that had to be stitched are so obvious that it makes me cringe remembering that day like it was yesterday.

"I know you want to ask what happened!" I say drawing her out of her thoughts as her eyes turn from black back to their normal warm chocolate brown.

"What did happen..?" She asks hesitantly.

"I hurt myself since everyone seems to want to hurt me either emotionally or physically or both. I broke down and I let them win for just a second..," I say looking down at the reminds I will now carry for a long time.

She lifts my chin up, her loving chocolate brown eyes staring into mine like she can see right into my soul. She carefully takes my arms, tracing her fingers over the bumpy lines that scatter my arms. She kiss my scars, tears leaving tracks down her cheeks as she silently cries. Her eyes once again find mine, I only realise then my own tears are falling too.

"I think scars are like battle wounds- beautiful, I'm a way. They show what you've been through and how strong you are for coming out of it..," she whispers just loud enough for me to hear as new tears fall from her eyes as she stares into mine never breaking our connection.

She wraps her arms around me, she holds me on her lap, rocking me back and forth. I cuddle into her warm embrace with my head against her chest listening to her heart beat as the tears fall from my eyes wetting her top.

"You are a warrior with battle wounds.."

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