Chapter 29: The Trial, If Your Famous You Get Away With It

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Nevaeh's POV:

I take a deep breath, shaking the thoughts from my mind. My feet slowly slide against the wooden floor of the court room, police officer to my sides guiding me down the walk way. Everyone's eyes focusing on me, my nerves swelling through my whole body as my crutches pound against to floor.

They carefully lift me into the witness box, my smile completely gone as I feel so completely and utterly hopeless. I just stare out into the crowd of people taking up the rows of seats that line the court room. Madison's lawyer gets to his feet, walking over in front of me as the judge sits beside me and the jury box full of people to my left.

"Miss Reid, you say that you were assaulted by Mr Valderrama awhile before the incident involving the assault of Miss Madison De La Garza, is that right?" He asks, his voice showing no emotion just his professional facade, like every lawyer.

I open my mouth but I'm cut off by the protest of Mr Martin, better known as Wilmer's cocky lawyer, his words filled with bitterness,"what does whether or not my client Mr Wilmer Valderrama assaulted Miss Reid have to do with the chargers placed against my client by Miss De La Garza?"

The judge doesn't have to open his mouth he just looks straight into the eyes of the lawyer arguing Madison's case to this court room, just so Madison gets her justice and Wilmer has to take responsibility for his actions.

"For character your honour."

"Go ahead Miss Reid, please answer Mr Daniels question," the judge speaks, his voice nearly making it a demand.

"Yes, that is correct.."

"Can you please inform the court of the night that Miss De La Garza was assault in the Los Angeles house of older sibling Ms Demetria Lovato?" Mr Daniels ask, his voice softer as if he knew this wasn't easy and his professional facade was making it even harder for me.

I take a deep breath, closing my eyes tight and letting the memories of that night flood into my head as the images flash by my eyes.

"The night of the assault on Madison De La Garza was the night Demetria Lovato and I had a disagreement over personal information this court does not need to be aware of. Demetria was dating Wilmer Valderrama at that time. After our disagreement Demetria took Madison back to her house but leaving Madison's best friend Beatrice Miller at my hotel room with myself and a few of my friends. Later, that night after we had all fallen asleep I was awoken to the ring of a phone and answered the phone which happened to Beatrice's phone. On the other end of the phone was a very upset and scared sounding Madison De La Garza, she went on to tell me her older sister Demetria was being beaten by Wilmer so I go in my friends car and drove to the house I knew as Demetria Lovato's house. Madison's friend Beatrice was in the car with me but I left her in the car as I approached the front door of the house," I say easily, I take a deep breath and continue slowly,"I walked up to the front door that laid open as smashed glass, needles and cigarette butts laid carelessly filling the hallway of the once well looked after house of Demetria Lovato's Los Angeles house. I quickly but quietly made my way inside the dark hallway, heading up the flight of stairs where I found Madison upset with an already forming bruise on her cheek. I piggy backed her down stairs carefully, she wasn't wearing shoes and I couldn't just leave a 11 year old girl in that house knowing what he was capable of. Once we reached the doorstep she hopped down and ran across the grass front yard to the car where Beatrice was waiting for her. I walked back through the hallway and into the lounge room where I was met by a drunken Wilmer Valderrama punching, kicking and smashing glass bottles over Ms Demetria Lovato. Only after he spotted myself he turned on me in which he knocked me to the ground and started kicking, punching and smashing his empty beer bottles on my back. In self defence I grabbed the baseball bat just in my reach and swung it as fast as well as hard at his knee. He feel to the ground in pure agony as I picked my aching body up then picking up Demetria and carried her to the safety of the car."

"Miss Reid, is it true that you have now laid chargers against Wilmer Valderrama?" Mr Daniel asks, I know this has nothing to do with Madison's trial but it does give doubt over his character.

I sigh, I should have known this was coming.

"Two days ago I was assaulted for the third time by Mr Wilmer Valderrama. I was out to lunch with friends and family of my mentor Demetria Lovato, Mr Valderrama cornered me and threatened to make me 'pay' if I didn't drop out of testifying for this trial so I told him there was no way. He continued to push me to the ground, he kicked and punched me until I became unconscious and even after then. I have spent last night and the night before in hospital which is why the trial was pushed back to today. I have two broken ribs, tearing to the muscles in my neck as well as cuts and serve bruising to my body. I came here to help Madison De La Garza get justices! Yes, I have laid chargers of my own upon Mr Wilmer Valderrama.."


Naya walks into my bedroom, she shoves her phone back into her pocket as she shuts my bedroom door.

"He got six month imprisonment with three months non parol and there has been a restraining order placed against him by Madison," Naya says in pure relief.

That wasn't what we wanted but that was better then him getting away with it completely. I guess..

"That good," I say pushing a fake smile onto my lips.

I just lay down, letting my aching body melt into the comfortable bed. Naya lays down wrapping her arms around my waist, she leans up kissing my temple. My eyes never leaving my painful stare at the white ceiling as tears slowly but surely trickle down my cheeks.

What happened to justice?

"If that prick wasn't famous he would've had to actually pay for his actions.."

He will never lean!

He should have to pay for his actions.. His mistakes..

A/N: hey guys!

Sorry it's taking so long! I've been sick this last week as well as had a death in the family. I promise to try to get my updates to you guys as fast as I can. Just know I appreciate your support <3

As always this chapters mention is @hemmoslovato story 'Run'.


1. Will he learn his lesson?

2. Did they get justice? Or a poor excuse?

3. What did you think?

Please check out my other stories Darlin', Neon Lights, Two Worlds Collide and Falling Fast. Keep an eye out for my upcoming story called 'Really Don't Care'.

Author fact #7: My favourite artist and has been since I was 5 years old is Avril Lavigne <3

Don't forget to vote & comment!

Love y'all

Tammy x

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