Chapter 24: Flash Back Sunday

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Nevaeh's POV:

I lay with my knees to my chest, curled up in ball like I have since that night that Lauren showed up on my door step. I let the anger get the better of me that night, I slapped her and slammed the door in her face but do you really blame me? Ever since that night I have refused to eat or leave my hotel room for anything despite so much effort from Demi. Honestly it just hurts so much, it's like my whole body is aching from the shattered pieces of my broken heart. I have even missed all my mentoring sessions this whole week, it's like she broke my will to be able to do anything at all.

I knock on my front door comes to bring me away from my own thoughts but I don't move, whoever it is soon will leave me the hell alone to be depressed on my own. Instead I hear the front door open before seconds later being closed behind whoever is here. I just stay still staring at the white wall next to the door frame as my limbs feel like I have bricks tied to them, holding me down in place.

I see Naya's body leaning against my door frame with a sad smile on her lips, she hadn't come here before but Demi had spent everyday here when she was working with Lacey. I know she is worried, I can see it in her dark brown eyes as well as pity but I honestly don't want her fucking pity. All I want to feel better like my whole world hasn't crumbled down around me, is that so fucking hard? I can see the understanding of the pain I'm feeling, she has been through breaks up of course she knows what it feels like but it still makes me want to scream at her to leave. I actually did scream at Demi the first time she came over to 'get the fuck out'.. Wasn't my finest moment.

She helps me sit up so I'm facing her, she sits cross legged in front of me on my bed as we just stare into each other's eyes for awhile. She finally reaches over just as tears slide down my cheeks for what feels like the fiftieth time today, her welcoming arms wrapping around my worn out and battered body. She lifts me up, placing me comfortably in her lap, she slowly but soothingly rocks us back and forth kissing the top of my head. I actually felt cared for..

"You need a shower little miss and whilst your doing that I will clean up," she says with a smile, she kisses my head before a frown and sorrow look falls onto her face as she sighs,"Demi will be picking us up in an hour to take you to an interview then you are practicing for tonight's show ALL day.."

I don't want to move, I don't want to let go because I know she is the only thing stopping the tears from falling once again my cheeks. She was the only thing stopping me from taking a blade to my pale skin that itches for the cold metal I've been secretly sliding against my skin when this gets way too fucking much.

She kisses my cheek bring me back to reality instead of the playback of what has happened the last week of my life. Naya's body moves but not away from mine but underneath me, she stands to her feet carefully carrying me to the bathroom. She slowly but carefully puts me down on my two shaky legs I own, she kisses my cheek and shuts the door behind me. Just leaving me staring at the white door of my hotel room bathroom, I lock the door and chuck my clothes off my body making them land on the tiled floor. I step into the shower turning the water on, the hot water stringing my angry looking red lines I cut into the skin on my stomach that look so painful against my pale white skin.

I sink down to the bottom of the shower, my knees to my chest as my tears fall freely down my cheeks. I just think over and over about how much this has destroyed me.. My dream was to become a singer and X Factor can do that me but now I've fucked that up too! I haven't been to a single mentoring session this week and it is the fourth live show of this season but I'm taking it all for granted. I'm here to make my mom proud...


I quickly button up my black skinny jeans, I carefully pull on my batman black hoodie careful not to reopen the cuts that are littered across my stomach painfully. I got my batman hoodie from my mom the day before she died, I can't remember why but she made Dennika run around until she could find the exact one I told her I wanted just weeks before.

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