Chapter 18: Are We Having Fun Yet?

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Nevaeh's POV:

Kelly extends her hand down to me just like she did to Demi, I take it letting her pull me to my feet. Her gaze falls from my eyes to my arms, then back to my eyes. Her arms wrap around me, hugging me close to her chest catching me completely by surprise. She lets me go, I pull was looking up into her eyes that show nothing but uncertainty and nervousness. There is something she wants or probably needs to tell me but is shit scared of actually telling me.

"Uh.. Nevaeh.. The media got a hold of a video of you in a fight. Simon said you and Demi have to do an interview. I'm going to be coming with you guys for support," Kelly says awkwardly, obviously hating have to be the bearer of bad new.

"Fuck!" I yell dropping to the ground, my head in my hands as I think over hoe bad this is going to look, they aren't going to want to keep me on the show due to this.

I feel arms wrap around my waist, carefully pulling me up and put me back on my feet. I turn around, Kelly smiles sweetly at me as she holds me for support. I can see the concern in her eyes, she can't hide it from me. I'm the master of reading people, you have to when people tell you fuck all and instead have to find it out yourself in the only way that words.. The spy way!

Kelly holds my waist, she pulls me along the hallway, only stopping as we wait for the lift. We step out the lift into the under ground car park and walking until we finally get to Kelly's car.

She helps me into the back seat of her heavy tinted car, telling me to keep down out of sight. She gets in, starting the car and driving out of the car park trying her best not to hit any of the fans our paparazzi.

I step out the shower, wrapping a towel around my body and one around my hair. I walk back into the bedroom part of this hotel room, I grab a matching pair of underwear and bra pulling them on easily, dropping the towel from around my body to the ground. I search through my draws to decide what I want to wear, I pull on my black ripped skinny jeans, doing them up and tightening my belt around the top. I finally find my favourite top besides my band tees. I pull on my black batman tee, followed by my black leather jacket and I lace up my black converses easily.

I walk back into the bathroom, letting my hair out from where it laid trapped from under the towel. I plug my hair drier in, turning it on I start to dry my mess on top of my head I call my hair. I straighten it without to much fuss, I make sure it stays in the perfect place I styled it too. I grab my make up from my bag, I quickly start the long 15 minutes worth of making sure I looked perfect with my make up, wearing heavy eye make up. I look in the mirror smiling as the blood red lip stick finished my look off perfectly.

I step out the lift, walking along the long hallway towards foyer. As I walk into the foyer I spot Kelly standing with none other then Demi. I look her over from head to toe, she is wearing the exact same ripped black skinny jeans with her grey ACDC band tank top, her black leather jacket over the top with it showing off her perfectly tattooed arms as she finished the look of with her black All Saint Combat Boots. Her newly blonde hair falling down around her face in it's natural waves. She looks.. WOW!

"Wow!" Demi gasps surprising herself, as her eyes bug out her head looking at me.

"You two are so alike! Now, stop gawking at each other and get your ass in the car!" Kelly says in her bossiest tone I've ever hear come out of her mouth as it is followed quickly by her giggles.

Demi get in the passengers side, only because by age she is older then me but by maturity definitely not! I get in the back strapping myself in, Demi and Kelly do exactly the same as myself. Kelly starts the car, she tells me to get down as she hands me a black blanket.

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