Chapter# 15

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It was him, the limo guy with no bodyguards for the first time.

Rose keeps standing at the door looking with wide eyes at him, not saying a word for many different reasons, one because he was here this late, second she thought he was out of the country then what was he doing here? and third he looked quite dangerous with a scowl on his face but also a little disheveled in his hair not combed like usual and in black button up shirt with sleeves rolled up, grey slacks and holding his grey jacket by its collar over his shoulder. He looks like he is ready to punch something at the moment if the scary expression of his was any indication.

"Um...Hi....?" Rose says frowning and fidgeting in her place for no apparent reason and when she realises that, she straightenes up. Crossing her arm on her chest she glares back at him.

"So you have a party going on?" He asks with a raised eyebrow referring to the sound of music he heard, while leaning in a little by putting his hand on the wall, not bothering to greet her back.

She raises her own eyebrow and retorts. "So you are back?"

He looks away straightening up and then scratches his chin in irritation, before looking back at her. "Don't state the obvious"

"Well since you started it so..." Rose shrugs and replies nonchalantly.

"What's taking so long? just come in already Ana!" Joshua calls over but when he gets no response he comes behind Rose, peeking at the person standing in her door.

"It's not Ana..." Josh states frowning. Rose rolls her eyes at him while Shaitan doesn't look amused by this. Not even a little bit.

"Of course it's not, Sherlock..."

Joshua ignores what she said and checks his imaginary watch "and it's quite late...wait...a...minute" he puts his fists on his waist and smirks at Rose.

"Our little Rose is having a man over in her house this late..." He says then pinching one of her cheek he continues you naughty little minx!" Rose looks at him with disbelief. Then pushing his hands away from her face and shaking her head at him she says "I don't know how your and Ana's minds work so I'll let it go..."

She then turns towards her uninvited guest who looks even more irritated at them than he was before. Suddenly Joshua comes again and wraps a hand around Rose's shoulder.

"Aren't you going to introduce us Rose?"

Rose scoffs "Well I would...if I knew his name..."

Shaitan looks at her with narrowed eyes and she holds his gaze, narrowing her own eyes at him while Joshua keeps glancing at them with a frown. He looks up and down at Shaitan figuring him out, scrutinizing him but coming up blank. Because analyzing people was never his forte.

"Well then, I would introduce myself..." Joshua Blake," He extends his hand towards Shaitan "one of Rose's best friend and you are?" to this pleasant greeting of Joshua, he doesn't respond and keeps standing there looking at Rose.

Finally sparing a glance at Joshua, his scowl deepens but he controls his anger. "I need to speak to you" he says looking back at Rose ignoring Joshua's outstretched hand.

"Is this the limo guy?" Joshua says, suddenly realising this, and Rose nods at him and then moving his arm away from her shoulder, she goes  out of the house.

"I will be right back, I think you should pick another song and I will check on Ana too..."  She says turning towards Joshua before closing the door without waiting for his reply. Joshua as his usual jolly self doesn't mind.

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