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With her heart pounding, Rose takes each of her steps toward the first phone booth she finds. Slowing a little, she takes a deep breath, putting her clammy hands in her blue overcoat's pockets. She knows that the person she is about to call wouldn't be in front of her but it doesn't calm her nerves. She thinks of getting back to her house and locking herself up like a coward but then she also wants to find out who ruined her life and to put a face to the name she knows...Shaitan. What kind of a man can he be? Why would he do something like that to someone? Why would he be so cruel? With these jumble of thoughts she takes a deep breath and wills herself to move forward and put an end to all of this.

The phone booth is empty and looks barely used. Due to the facility of mobile phones and telephones, people would barely use it. And it still stands there with its red colour paint and big black telephone with it's wire hanging. Rose thanks God for these telephone booths to be still there which will makes her task easy and soon she will somehow find the Villain of her life. With that in her mind, she moves forward. Opening the door to the booth, she enters it and pulls the receiver of the phone in her hand. She fishes out the page she wrote those numbers on. Then dials the very first number mentioned there which was named as...V.

She puts the receiver to her ear and waits for the person on the other side of the line to pick the call and at the same time plans what she is going to say. Witb closed eyes she places her hand, the one holding the page, in her coat's pocket. And finally after three rings of the phone, a man's voice comes.

"Yes?" No greetings. Nothing formal of any sort but a business type of yes. Rose trembles hearing the voice of a person who may knows her father's killer.

"Uh-hey-I heard you are out of men selling for you?"

There is extreme silence on the other side of the line, Rose hopes her starting of the conversation was convincing but then a chuckle comes and proves other wise.

"Yeah and now you think we need feminism in this field of business too..." He sarcastically answered without arguing about the other things like saying it's a wrong number or what kind of things she is talking about which means that he might be interested in hiring her.

"I can be of help for you and no one would believe that I am selling some drugs so I would never get busted" Rose says sounding desperate to get that so called job.

"Listen if you are doing this because you need some drugs then find some drug dealer not the one who provides it.." he says, seeming like he is busy and is using his patience.

Rose is almost out of ideas to answer with but she still tries. "I need money..." she lies "and I don't do drugs which might be ideal situation for drugs would be vanished"

"And you know about vanishing" He asks suspicious of her.

Rose has made her share of research in all these past months and that's how she knew about the dealers vanishing drugs from the suppliers for their own use which most of the time lead them to their death. Like her father.

"I watch movies..." she lies plainly again.

There is silence on the other end of the line and then the voice comes again.

"I can't just do deals on phone, we have to meet and I also have to talk to my Boss about this and for that I have to know your name..."

Rose thinks about telling a fake name and she is about to, when the man continues.

"And don't try to tell me your fake name because you will bring your original I.D. with you when we meet use of lies here.."

Rose sighs and thinks about it for a minute and then she finally answers.

The Villain's Girl [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now