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Rose stirs in her spot. Her fingers fisting the bed sheet unconsciously as a frown comes over her forehead which then ease into a sigh escaping her lips. Its like she was dreaming of something unpleasant but it ends as soon as it occurred. She turns her head to a side unlike her still body from a while before. And then slowly she opens her eyes, finding it difficult to adjust her eyes to the light in the room. Her gaze ends up on the single window in the room where fluttering light white curtans are blocking the direct sunlight from coming in but it's still enough to make her head hurt.

Confusion takes over her face with the ache in her head getting serious as she sits up in the bed, leaning against a pillow and the headboard. She holds her temple in her forefinger and thumb, pressing it lightly. She notices that she is wearing a simple white t shirt and white pajama pants. It seems weird to her because she doesn't remember a thing how she changed her clothes or if she didn't then who did. Ignoring her clothes, she looks around the room with a frown.

She doesn't recognize where she is. But guessing from the tubes attached to her, restricting her movements and lesser furniture than any normal room it looks like a hospital. Although the quality of the furniture, carpet and the curtains says otherwise.

What happened?

Where am I?

These should be the questions taking place in her head at the moment but all that comes into her head is that she is really thirsty and her stomach feels like she has been punched there several times in a row but the most ridiculous thought that comes into her mind is that does the limo guy brought me here?

She closes her eyes as soon as the thought entered her mind. Lately it seemed like every thought of her or whatever she did, it will always end up with something of that mysterious man.

Her confusion doesn't clear up at all. If it's possible she became even more confused. She doesn't remember what happened or who brought her here but still she feels safe in here. And for whatever reason she feels that way, Rose doesn't know.

She remembers dancing with a guy in the night club, Anastasia and Joshua took her to. But after that she doesn't remember a single thing. Its feels like there was a time lapse.

What day is it? Or better yet where am I? And where are my friends?

Rose finally starts thinking like a rational person. Instead of obsessing over the fact that limo guy brought here or not, she wonders about what actually matters.

Although in the corner of her mind she still hopes it wasn't him because then she would be in even more trouble. Last time she gave a serious thought to the limo guy, she wanted to do nothing with him because of the way he treated her. Not very gentlemanly. He twisted her finger and threatened her. She was so angry. Still is. So if he brought her here then she would have to face him again. And that's not what she wants.

Not everything in my life is related to him...

But little does she know that this time,.it was the limo guy who brought her here.

She contemplates what to do next. Whether to pull out the tubes from her nose and arms along with the canola and get up or to wait for someone to come in here first.

Lets wait and not get dramatic...

With that thought she sits back against the headboard and then notices a bottle of mineral water on the table placed near the bed. She bends over a little forward, pulling the tubes along with her. The one in her nose irritated her but she doesn't touch it, afraid that she would mess it up, and then grabs the bottle and drinks until she has quenched her thirst.

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