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Rose keeps standing there for a moment, with her hand resting on the door knob, musing over what to do next. Slowly, she then turns around in her spot and looks over at the limo guy or for the first a person who has a name now, Leonardo, standing in his place, looking over at her with desperation in his eyes but a stern expression on his face. If it wasn't for his eyes, she wouldn't have even known that there could be some emotions in that cold stature.

Indeed the eyes are the window to the soul.

Or was it just her hallucinations? The desperation in his eyes and utterance of his name a few minutes ago? What was it?

"What did you say?" She has to ask again, to prove that she isn't dreaming.

"My's Leonardo..." he replies still not moving but looking away from her, towards the window.

She doesn't know how to reply to that. For quite some time she waited for him to reveal his name and now that he already did, she doesn't know what to say next.

Removing her hand from the knob and sauntering over to him, she nervously chuckles, until she is standing in front of him again, his gaze still at the window.

"Was that so hard?" She lamely comments.

He looks over at her from the corner of his eyes, narrowing it a little, either in amusement or annoyance, or maybe both.

He thought that it would be quite hard for him to tell her his original, his birth name, due to him losing that identity a long time ago but he didn't know that it would feel good. He didn't give it a single thought that being that past self of his, even if it was only in front of Rose, it would give him some pleasure if he dare say the word.

A smile threatens to spread on his lips but he holds it back for some reason and it ends up in a smirk, to which she smirks back.

He should have told her, his name, sooner instead of all this drama but he might not had been so sure in the past about revealing something so important about him to her. He liked her from the first time he saw her but is still new to him and he feels like he can trust Rose with every thing he has got and if she even breaks that trust, he won't regret it. Because the only thing he ever wanted was to be able to depend on someone, giving someone the power to control him and he would have achieved that by then so regretting his ability to trust would be pointless. Or at least, if that time comes then he would feel how it is like to be on the other side. To be the one truly hurting. Just because of giving someone else the power to do so.

He would feel human.

But that's all hyperbolic. Rose wouldn't break his trust. He knew that as well as he knew his name. Ironical but true.

"So what's next?" Rose's voice, enters his brain, breaking his hyperbolic musings.

He shrugs in response, letting her to decide what's next but the minute he shrugs, he sees the nervousness in Rose's eyes.

Frowning at her reaction he asks, "what's so frightening?"

If only he knew what she thought when he shrugged, for some reason, his shrug felt like he was suggesting something which she secretly desired of and wouldn't dare to speak but his frown made her think again.

He simply is telling you that's it's upto you.

"Well I can't actually think of anything else, but can you take me home?"

"No" his final answer comes.

The way he said it tells her that there is no point in arguing with him but it wouldn't be Rose if she doesn't. And he isn't the one to order her around.

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