Chapter 5- Go Get The Girl.. The Right One

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So I haven't been uploading longer chapters and I'm so sorry for that :'( but here's chapter 5!!!

Harry's p.o.v.

My head spun around to see Amanda. "Oh Em Gee!!! It's all of One Direction and their girlfriends!!!!" She disappears into the halls and slowly drags her huge duffel bag over. "Here's a sharpie for each of you! Now sign up!"

I stared at the posters and buttons and shirts and book bags and shoes and bras? And blankets and notebooks and shorts and leggings and scarves and sunglasses and glasses and underwear and you get get the point.

I gaped at the stuff and was too lazy to sign everything so I just took Shay's red lipstick, applied it on, and kissed everything... Well I started to before someone cleared their throat which made me look up.

Emma's p.o.v.

The sight before me was horrific. Always count on Amanda to do something like this. Liam and Louis had on bras and had written "These boobs belong to Louis Tomlinson/Liam Payne". Niall and Shay had written "Shower of cunts" on the underwears. Harry had red lipstick stuck to his lips and some of his cheeks.

Zayn and Perrie were writing "Shake dat ass" on the back of T-Shirts with arrows pointing to the bottom of the shirt. Eleanor had drawn a self portrait of herself on a blanket and was growling every now and then about drawing on fabric. Finally, Dani sat there with a 'Da fug?' look.

"Emma!!!" Louis and Liam attack me onto the floor. "Can't..... breathe! Get... Off of me!" I gasped. Liam quickly nodded and got off but Louis sat still on my legs. "Not until you promise not to leave us ever again!"

I blinked at him. What? "Emma!" Niall and Zayn run straight towards me and accidentally knocks Louis off my legs. I quickly get up and brush the back of my pants. "We wanted to talk to you, Emma!" Zayn smile. "We haven't talked for a year! You can have a baby in that time!. Well you know, if you get started right away." Louis complains (A/N: Credits to Mark Parsons for that line)

"Are you hinting that Shay got pregnant and gave birth without telling me?" I gave Shay a disgusted look. "Shay! I knew you love Niall, but what the hell!" I turned to Niall "And I thought that you were going to loose your virginity when you got married! I don't see a ring on her finger!" I joked.

Shay and Niall blushed bright pink. Niall smiles playing along. "You know, Emma. We wanted to keep the baby away from the press and-"

"OH MY GOD YOU HAVE A BABY TOGETHER?!" Amanda shrieks and starts typing into her phone. "No Amanda, don't!" But it was too late. All of our phones beeped at once and #irishbaby was trending on twitter and tumblr.

I stared at Shay with her mouth agape. Amanda had already danced back into my office and shut the door leaving us all silent there. "You know what we should do?" Eleanor began. "We should just go pretending to shop for baby clothes and when the next interview comes, say we were shopping for baby Lux." Harry finished.

We all snickered. That would be fun. "My shift is over anyways, I can go." I smiled. "You wanna leave that fast? What are you trying to do? Get rid of me?" John walks in and Perrie wiggles her eyebrows.

So I have never described John much.. Only that he was my boss and got some James Bond moves... But John was quite a looker. (A/N: imagine him like an Ian Somerhalder but younger. Like 24?)

"Of course I'm not trying to get rid of you, John." I smirk. "Call me boyfriend instead." He winks. I burst out laughing. "Is that your way of flirting? Cause you don't even need to flirt with that glamorous body of yours." I joke winking back.

"You got that right. I got those abs."

"No. When I said that your body was glamorous, I was thinking more of Kristen Steward glamorous. She might not be able to act but she still got that face."

"Mind if I join your little break?" He winks. "Hmm. No thank you. It's just a girls day out with all my girlfriends." I gesture at the boys and girls and immediately got five death glares. "Well I can be the gentleman to protect you from pedophiles."

"Well that's why I got these ball breakers." I gestured at my high heels with golden spike studs all over them. A cough comes from Harry and I took the hint. "Well I'm going to be back tonight anyways. It's a Friday. Late night drinkers, ya know?"


"You're boss, John is a looker." Perrie gushed. "If I was single, I would've fallen on my knees already." Zayn bit his lip. "Well then be glad that you aren't single because you're my girl." He whispered before kissing the top of her head.

"You two were clearly flirting! How can no one see it?" Shay shrieks. We were all piled in a small van driven by Niall Horan (The Queen doesn't drive anymore now that her peasants can drive)

"That's an Emma and John thing. We've done it ever since day one." I shrugged. "Is he single?" Eleanor wiggles her eyebrows at me. "Yes he is after he divorced with his ex wife who he married for two years since they were 20." Harry stayed quiet on his phone texting away.

"Geeze. Stop talking to Bitch Duck will ya?" Louis groans. (A/N: creds to Peter Griffin for creating that name.. Or whoever wrote the script..) "You're just jealous that the relationship that Anna and I have is much more interesting than yours and Eleanor's." Harry shot back.

"What do you mean by interesting? That there is more sex? Or is it just more interesting cause the beginning of the relationship was cheating on Emma?" Louis growled. The whole van got quiet. "I thought so." Louis murmured.

We sat in silence for a few minutes until Niall broke it.

"You are my sunshine my only sunshine...."

He sings and gestures at Liam.

"You make me happy when skies are grey.."

I belted out the next lyrics.

"You'll never know dear how much I love you.."

"So please don't take my sunshine away..." We finished.


We each hopped out of the van with our raybans on and our hoods up. "Emma?" I turned to face Harry. "Did I really hurt you when I cheated? Cause that is what I did. I cheated."

Of course you hurt me, Harry. My heart still aches and my eyes are still groggy from crying all those times.

"Nope. I'm fine. The thing we had, it was stupid and we were being little kids."

"So are you okay? Look. I don't want to tell anyone else yet but I'm.... In love with her.. And I'm... I'm.. going to propose to her.... No one knows. Not even the lads or my mum or Gemma. No hard feelings?"

I'm dying here. Why are you saying 'No hard feelings?' When I'm dying here? It's like going up to a person who just got hit by a car and going 'Wannan apple? It's Granny Smith.'

I smiled. "Not at all." We started walking in separate directions. "Harry?" I said one more time.

I love you.

"Go get the girl."


So lots of sappy and humorous action in this chapter! Comments?

Much love


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