Chapter 11- Living Her Life

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Emma's p.o.v.

"W-what?" I breathed. His lips went to my ear. "I said leave." The hot breath tickled my ear sending me shivers. "I don't want you interfering with Anna and my relationship."

Sure. Your "relationship".

"She's up to something Harry." I clenched my jaw. "She somehow knows about the ring and got the same one only a few sizes larger. So when you do propose to her, she'll know about it."

"I said leave!" He continued. "Harry..."

"You only said that you love me just so I wouldn't propose to Anna! And let me guess, Shay sent you here!" A tear rolled down his cheek.

"No... Harry I do still love you." By now, I wasn't sure if I was actually spilling out my feelings or just trying to stop the proposal that haven't even happened yet. Maybe a bit of both?

"You want me to leave?" I sighed. "Then why are your arms still on my waist?"

Harry's p.o.v.

"Do you really love me?" I ignored her question. "Y-Yes."

"Then why did you let me be with Anna?"

"Because... B-Because you are happy... With her. She makes you happy so I accept that. I-"

"Harry! Get back in here!" Mark yelled. I hesitated before turning around to walk into the sound room. "From the chorus, okay?" He hands me the headphones.

She wanted me to be happy. She wanted me to be happy...

I looked up through the plexiglass. Emma was gone.

Zayn's p.o.v.

"YOU WHAT?!" We all yelled before cheering. "Go girl!" Louis yells. "Get some!" Niall smirks before everyone sends him a 'WTF?' Look.

"His reaction wasn't even much surprised. And then there I was looking like an idiot." Emma sighs. "A love-sick idiot! That's a big difference!" I protested before getting a good stab on my foot from Shay's heel.

"It doesn't matter. He's gonna propose and that's the end of that!" Emma bit her lip. "SHADDAP WITH THAT SHIT!" Louis groans. "Harry's just being stupid Harry, ya know? He's a bit too stupid for his eyes and common sense."

"And he was all bragging about how he had a higher IQ than all of us." I shook my head. "He may have a high IQ but he has terrible vision... Not that I'm sayings Anna is ugly or that Emma is ugly." I added.

"How can you not want to just beat the shit out of Anna right now, Emma?" Niall laughs. "Oh I do." She murmurs. "Good girl." Louis pats her head. "She's on the same page as us now." Dani giggles.

"Well we're leaving in three days, Emma. Catch Anna red handed and he's all yours."

"Not if I find out after he proposes." Emma sighs before wiping away a few tears. "Aww come here, Emma!!" We all pulled into a group hug. "Dammit stop crying, Emma before I cry." Eleanor sighs.

"Then that'll make me cry." Louis fake sobs and everyone gives him a 'dude, chillax.' look.

"Yep well it's getting late." Perrie says in a hurry. "You got sound check at nine in the morning. I wish you best of luck, Emmabear!"

We quickly said our goodnights before walking out. "We're gonna convince Harry to not propose." Perrie smirked. "And if that doesn't work, then we'll sabotage the proposal."

"Harry won't like that." I smirked. "And Harry didn't like it when Emma and John were flirting. He has to grow an ass and get kicked in it a few times before he starts feeling like a man."

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