Chapter 4- Mugshots

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Okay I'm soooo sorry that I haven't updated! I was sick for Monday and Tuesday and yesterday was my prom! :) but here's the next chapter:

Harry's p.o.v. (A few minutes before)

My head was hurting and somehow, I was able to remember the chaos that happened last night. I remembered seeing Emma. Heheh. Emma. Okay. Probably that part, I was hallucinating.

The hard ground hurt my back and I longed for my soft bed. "Harry Styles." An officer grumbled. "We need to get your mug shots and then you're free to go."

He almost yanked my up to my feet by my shirt and dragged me to a bright room with lines on the walls indicating height. "Hold this." He instructed and handed me the sign that said Harry Styles and a bunch of numbers. "What do you need mug shots of me for?" I grumbled.

"Listen, kid. I know that you are I. That boy and and you are British but we still need to keep you on record." He growled. "Hathaway should be here in a minute."

I waited for a bit before hearing the door open. Through the glass, a slim (not to mention fit) figure walked to a shelf setting things up. Her hair was long and loosely curled. She had on a leather jacket and bright red jeans. It was obvious that she was wearing heels due to the sound of the clicking.

"Emma?" I gaped whilst the girl turned around. Her eyes flickered at me for a second. The once happy giggling wild girl now had a stoned face. "Will, I got him. Just wait outside, okay?" She called. 'Will' nodded want walked out the door.

"Emma? Is it really you?" I stared at the girl who had red lipstick and dark eyeliner on. She just kept on setting up her camera and filling out some paperwork. "Emma.. Why are you taking mug shots for a living?" I grumbled at her stubbornness.

She turned to me. "Chin up. Stop slouching." I followed her instructions. "Listen to me, Emma." I sighed whilst she snapped photos. "Please, can you listen to me?" A younger girl walks in and does a little happy dance. "Harry Styles is here!" She presses her nose at the glass. "Amanda! Quit the nonsense and help me fill out the rest of the form!" Emma barked.

"Emma. You can ignore me but you can not avoid me. I just need to-" I began. "OMG!!o he knows your name, Emma! He knows your name!!" Amanda yells. "And listen to whatever he has to say!" Emma gave Amanda a glare. "I'm just following John's rules. If you want to break them, I'm not stopping you."

Hold da phone!

Did rebel Emma just follow a rule?! Let me just savor this moment. "Hold the sign higher." Emma demanded.


"Turn to your right."

I followed.


My eyes blinked at the sudden rush of light.

"Turn to your left."


As soon as that photo was taken, I walked up to the glass. "I need to talk to you, Emma. It's been a year." I demanded. "Harry, stay where you were." Emma growled. "No. Not until you promise to meet up later for a chat." I demanded.

"In that case," she started and then screamed "Will!" The police came running in and glared at me. "Stand over there, kid." He points to a certain spot on the floor. "I'm no kid. I'm 22." I smiled. "I never asked for your age." He was about to grab me when I have him a good punch on the cheek leaving a small bruise.

"Harry! Don't." Emma gave me her evil glare. "I need to talk to you. We can do this the easy or the hard way." I growled. "Don't need to waste my precious time on you, Harry now get back to that spot." She whispers something in Amanda's ear and walks out the door.

She then enters on my side on the other side of the glass and shoves me in front of the camera. "You may sound like a toughie through glass, but you are still a dude with balls and I'm still a girl with high heels ready for some kicking." She murmured and takes a few steps back.

"Shoot it, Amanda!"


"There. All done." She ushered me out with Will who looked like he was about to kill. "Bye! See ya!" She said before quickly closing the door in our faces and we both walked down the hallway into the for where everyone was waiting.

Emma's p.o.v.

I slumped down behind the door. "You knew him?! Like in person?! Oh my gosh!!!" Amanda squeals. "I can't believe it! How do you two know each other?! Blah! Blah! Blah!"

I shook my head. Would he give up like that? Judging by his attitude here not too long ago, no. He wouldn't. I bit my lip. This wasn't what I expected to experience: my ex walking through the door going "Hey. We need to talk. But wait, I need my mug shots done first."

Harry's p.o.v.

"You're okay!" Anna squealed and kissed me roughly on my lips. "I was expecting more of Louis to end up in prison but never you, Haz." Liam shook his head. "Well it's not like Louis has a good car record either." Niall laughed.

"Guys!" I tried silencing them all when they all rambled. "You won't believe who I saw when i was inside." They all rose their eyebrows. "I saw Emma."

"EMMA?! LIKE UNICORN WITH LUCKY CHARMS SHIT, EMMA?!" Louis yelled. "Emma is in prison? Oh god what in the world did she do?" Zayn groaned.

"No! I mean she works here! She takes all the mug shots!" I explained. "Well that makes more sense. I want to see her." Liam smiled. "All of us do!" Niall yells. "But how to we get her out?" Perrie bites her lip.

"I know! I'll just say that I'm here to bring Emma her bag that she left at home and the security will call her over here!" Shay smiles. We all nodded. "Wait!' I hissed and replaced her Louis Vuitton bag with Dani's black tote bag with studs.

"Emma with Louis Vuitton? Really?" I explained. Shay bravely walked up the huge 6 foot 4 security and started talking before he said something into his microphone and turned around to walk down the hall. "She's going to come out!" Shay smiled and jumped around.

"It worked!" Eleanor cheered.

"What worked?" The voice brought us all to silenced whilst we looked at the doorway.


Cliffhanger!!! So congrats to the new 1D perfume line 'Our Moment'!!!! Who's gonna buy it?! Me for sure!!!

Much love!!!


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