Chapter 18- What Love Does

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Harry's p.o.v.

"She's been gone for twenty fucking minutes! I don't know if I should call the police!"

I ran my fingers through my hair. "Well this is Emma we're talking about. She knows what she's doing so call a squad car and give Emma's old address. Damn. That was so hard, Harry!" Shay yells.

"Ugh!! Fine. I'll call. But I'm going down there too."

"Emma didn't tell you to go."

"I didn't tell her that I'd stay, either."

Emma's p.o.v.

"So stupid. Just like your family. You know that?" Anna smiles. "What do you want, Anna?" I bit my lip. "Hun, it's not what I want. It's what the Parsons want."



"I get good money. Now back to the real reason why I'm here. Where are your parents?"

"I don't know."


"Tell me or little Christina is gonna get a nice little bullet through her head."

Chris gives me a pleading look. "Tick. Tock, Emma."

"They're in Seattle."



"Tell me where the fuck they are!!" Anna screeches. "I DON'T KNOW, OKAY?!"

"Do you hear that?" Anna's bright blue eyes went wide. "Sirens." I smirk. Finally. That idiot follows my order. How much am I willing to bet that he only did that cause someone told him to? Probably Shay.

"Well. I better make this quick." She throws Chris on the floor before aiming her gun at me. "I'm not gonna leave New York empty handed. If I can't take down your parents, I will just kill their daughter. And then that'll be the end of the Hathaway family tree."

I started inching back till the heel of my boots were at the edge of the building. "Face it, you're a goner."

A gunshot echoes through the rooftop and I took it as an opportunity to bound for the fire escape. Sorry, Chris. "Get back here you bitch!" Footsteps follow me down until I stumbled on the third floor. "I got you now."

Harry's p.o.v.

"Sir, you can't go in there! The police are investigating!" Some officer hollers at me. "Shut the fuck up!" I look up at the rooftop and heard a gunshot.

My eyes widened. "Up to the roof!" An officer yells and four more go up.

"No. For the safety of you, I can't do that, sir."

"I don't give a rat's ass about my safety right now! Please! Let me go up! Please! She's up there!"



What was Emma to me?

"My fi-"

I was cut off my a scream. And it was surprisingly my scream.

Emma's p.o.v.

"Time to go, Emma." I looked down. The street was surrounded by two squad cars, three ambulances, and a fire truck. But what made me gap was what stood in the middle. More of who stood in the middle.

His green eyes glowed with panic and even from up here, I could see that his eyes were bloodshot.

"Oh goody. Harry can witness everything! That's a bonus!"

"Please don't, Anna."

"Oh now we have the badass Emma Hathaway begging for mercy? The Parsons should give me extra."

"Drop the gun!" An officer yelled from a few steps above us. "Or I'll shoot!"

"You know, Emma, I have a little tiny secret. And you are the lucky one to hear it."

I narrowed my eyes. "You know the dead chap, Matt? Yes? Well he started to work me."




(I don't mean 'where's the food')

"But you know what was the most interesting thing?" She got a bit closer. "He wanted to quit."

He wanted to quit.

"He even paid back all of the money the Parsons gave him. And nobody quits on the Parsons. So I did what I had to do."

"You killed Matt?!" I bit my lip. "He had it coming. He did the one thing that the Parsons told us not to do. Fall in love. Look where love gets you. Love gets you to where Matt is now. Love is gonna get you killed, get you destroyed. Love consumes your brain and then you're a goner."

"I SAID DROP THE GUN!" The officer yelled again before three more officers appeared behind him with their guns out.

"Goodbye Emma."


Harry's p.o.v.

It happened so fast. The exact time the body fell from the fire escape, two gunshots rang in my ears.

"Emma!" I fell on my knees. "Someone get the girl! She's loosing blood!"

I didn't know who got shot and who fell from that fire escape. All I knew was that Emma was one of them.

"We need to get the dead body!" Someone yells.

Dead body?


A body was put on a stretcher.



Emma's p.o.v.

I was numb. I could feel a thing. I couldn't move. Was I dead?! A warm hand holds mine. "Please. Stay. Stay."

The constant beeps started beeping faster and faster. "Emma! No!" I was shook before everything got quiet. And I was flying.


Hate me all you want!!

Okay so three things:

1. Zerrie!!! I am so happy for the both of them and when I found out, I died right at the Garden Cafe in the Norwegian Gem.

2. Sophia Smith and Liam. Okay so I don't hate her but honestly, after I witness something perfect, other things won't be the same as it. I found Payzer perf and Im really happy for Liam. But I can't help but think that he's still in love with Danielle.

3. The perfume!! Okay so I'm a New Yorker and I am planning to buy the perfume. I was wondering what it smelled like. And don't forget the 'Our Moment' commercial thingy!

Much love

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