Keep Her (SEQUEL TO 'Love Her')

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ASDFGHJKL!! The sequel to 'Love Her!!!" I'm absolutely excited for this new story and I hope you enjoy it!! P.S. if you have never read Love Her or Save Her yet, please click into my page and read it... Or you won't really understand it....

Emma's p.o.v.

"Turn to the left."


"Face forward."


"Hold your sign higher."


"Stop slouching."

That was what I basically had to say all day at my job. "Emma? Where is Jack Pierce's file?" Amanda looks around the file cabinet. "Top shelf, Amanda." I sighed. Where was I after a year? Taking mug shots for a living in Sydney, Australia?

"Did you hear that Harry Styles gave a promise ring to Anna Channing?" I nodded. Who hasn't? Anna was perfect for Harry. I was just a little 'distraction'. "Emma!" Mary called. "John says that you can leave now. Aric will fill in for you. Go celebrate." I shrugged and walked off and looked through my email.

From: (A/N: I made up the name. Don't know if someone accrual has an account called that)

Please come back to London!!! I can't stand to see Anna cuddling up with Harry!! :'(

I sighed and decided to reply later. The past year was literally a screw up. I went back home to New York for two weeks. I then traveled to Capri, Italy, where I worked at a bakery. Me being my gypsyish self took off to Argentina and became a waitress at a small bar for a month.

When I almost got mugged by two drunk dudes, I flew off to Paris, France where I got a job as a security guard for an art gallery. That job was honestly BORING. My lovin-to-see-the-world ass got me to Dublin, where I visited and secretly met up with Shay and Niall for two weeks whilst getting a job for some banking company.

When the two had to leave for London, I moved to Japan and was a photographer for 'Tokidoki' (A/N: is that a Japanese brand? I think so "/). And now I'm here......

I stumbled into my small apartment and kicked off my heels. "Such a terrible year." I murmured to myself. I was alone. I had money. Lots of it in fact, but no one to share my happiness with. Probably because I had no happiness. Today is my 22nd birthday (Yay me... I think).

My parents had mailed me a painting of myself taking a photo. Cool. Whatever happened to the girl who was 'Harry Styles' girlfriend? Whatever happened to her? Oh, ya know... She now takes mug shots for a living. Is it weird that I don't hate Anna in any way? I mean she stole my boyfriend (ex), probably my friends, and my job.

I pulled a few vegetables out of the fridge and started cutting up a few vegetables when my door rang. Stupid girlscout selling girlscout cookies. I opened the door and shrieked.


For the first time in months, I felt happy. "Shay? Eleanor? Perrie? Dani?" I smiled at the four figures standing at my door. "A girl can't miss her 22nd birthday because of a blind boy and his tramp-of-a-girlfriend." Shay smiles and pushes her way in followed by the rest of the girls.

"What are you all doing here?" I gasped and eyed their sequined dresses and skirts. "On Direction's here. So El, Dani, and I decided to visit." Perrie smiled. "Your hair is blond again?" I frowned. "I liked the purple."

"Says the one who dyed their hair back to brown." Dani ran her hand through my hair. "You dye your poor hair so often yet it still stays gorgeous." I smiled. "Did the boys follow you? Did Anna?" They all shook their head. "We were suppose to be at a club. So we got them all pissed drunk.. Well except for Liam, dumped them back into our hotel flats, locked to doors, and yeah." Shay explains.

"If it makes you any happier, we locked Liam with Anna to make sure that Harry doesn't do... What Harry usually does." Eleanor looked around and gaped. "This is where you live? Look at this luxurious flat!" She looks at the Sydney skylines. "Well there are a lot of people who need their photos taken for mug shots. My job pays well especially when I have a generous boss."

"Enough about the Sydney skylines! Pish posh! Lets get to the presents!" Perrie squeals. "Presents?! No! Why did you bring presents?" I groaned.

"In my defense, I saw it in a shop and thought of you." Perrie smiled.

"In my defense, I also saw it in a shop and thought of you." Dani stuck her tongue out.

"In my defense, Louis saw it in a shop and said that it made him think of you." Eleanor giggles.

"And in my defense.... Wait. I got no defense. So yeah. I got you a present." Shay shoves a large box in my face. "NO!' Perrie pushes the box off my lap and onto the floor. "Open my present first!"

Shay grumbles some colorful words but gives in. "Oh my gosh! I love it!" I stared at the necklace with the Verrazano Bridge as a pendant. Shay sets her box back onto my lap but Eleanor pushes it onto the floor again. "My present next!"

I bit my lips from laughing at the sight of Shay's face. The tissue paper was everywhere by the time I got to the thing inside a box.. Which was a glass statue of a unicorn eating lucky charms......


"Emma'a hair use to be pretty colorful." Harry murmured loud enough that all of us could hear. "Pretty? PRETTY?! It looked as if a unicorn who just ate lucky charms shit all over her head!" Louis yelled.


We all laughed."I remember that." Perrie giggled. Shay gives Dani an uncertain look. "Are you going to go, or me?" Dani smiles. "Be my guest." Shay places her box on my lap before Dani smacks it onto the floor. "I though that you said that I could go!" Shay protested. "Yeah but it looked fun.. and it was." Danielle's giggled.

"You all are lucky that my present isn't made of glass or clay." Shay sighs. I slowly broke the seal of Danielle's envelope. "WHAT?! A ONE WAY TICKET TO LONDON?!" I shrieked. "No. I can't. He's there. I don't want him to see me." I groaned. "Which comes down to my gift." Shay gives me her huge box and I quickly smacked it onto the floor. "It looked fun." I admitted.

"Fine. Whatever. Just take a look." I opened the three feet tall, three feet wide box and gaped. Inside were clothes. Girly clothes. "This is all nice, Shay but I think that he'll recognize my face."I sigh. "Not if I set a skin mask on you." She applies some creamy thing and it hardens on my face but I am able to still move it. The girls apply some makeup and contact lenses.

"There. Done." Shay smiles and gives me the mirror. Oh my holy flackin hell. "I... Don't look like me!" I gasped. "Of course you don't!" Shay smiles. "We're not asking for you to make up your mind now, honey but the flight leaves on June 5th." Eleanor pats my shoulder.

"Shit. Liam texted that Harry's gone!" Danielle shrieks. "I thought that you locked his door, Shay!" Perrie whines. "Of course I did! Now shut up! We have to find him!" She grabs her bag and turns around to me. "Oh and you're coming with us."


AAHH!!! First chapter!!! I hope you all enjoy and VOTE!!! Comments??

Much love


Keep Her (SEQUEL TO 'Love Her')Where stories live. Discover now