Chapter 14- Wild Girl

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Have you noticed how slow time is? It's what we do that keeps it moving, that keeps time fast. And I was suppose to fit my clothes and stuff into 2 huge suitcases in one evening. I'm sorry but that can't be done.

Eleanor and Perrie was with me trying to sort out my clothes since Shay and Dani were out on dates. "Sheesh, Emma. Are there any clothes that you didn't get from a thrift shop?" Eleanor sighed.

"Oh look. These jeans are from American Eagle!" Perrie smiled in joy and tossed them into a suitcase. "How many leather jackets do you have? I swear. If I didn't know you and you told me that you didn't drive a motorcycle, I'd slap you." El sighs again.

"Aww look at this dress! You're taking this with you!" Perrie holds up a collared sleeveless dress with studs all over the collars. It was a nude color with a black collar and a brown belt. "Perrie that is too funky. I doubt that Emma wears that."

"Well if she's not wearing it, I am." She gave El a monkey face. "Guys. I was just asking for help." I groaned. "Now here's something decent." Eleanor grabs out a pair of oxfords. I had a pair?

"Be glad that Shay ain't here to judge, girl. She would've killed you." Perrie laughed. "Dani would've just took everything that you didn't want and she'd keep them."

I couldn't help but watch as they got deeper and deeper into my closet. "These pants are a keeper!" El held up a pair of pants that were black and white striped vertically.

~Flashback~ (no this was never mentioned in the past)

"Hurry up, Emma! We're just going out for ice cream, not going to the Grammy's!" Harry yelled from outside. "Yeah but the paps and society expects me to be." I applied a bit of lipstick and walked out. "Woah there with those pants." Harry stared at my legs.

"Stripes looks good on you." He laughs. "It'll be nice to walk out there with guys checking you out and me going 'She's taken, mofos!'" I laughed. "Why be so mean, huh Haz?"

"Because I want the guys out there to know that they're gonna have to settle for second or third best. Because the best is right here with me."

~Present time~

"Oh. No. We can't take that." I shook my head. "Why not? They're absolutely gorgeous and they'll bring out your curves." Perrie frowned. "I don't care. These are going into the suitcase." She dumps it into the suitcase. I grab the pants back out and throw them across the room and they landed on a lamp.

"Why not?" El frowns. "Just cause it brings back memories."

"Of Harry." She finishes. I nodded. "Well why would you keep it after all that drama?" Why did I?

"You obviously have feelings for Harry! Sheesh! Just get married and have three kids and a dog already!"

"Perrie, I'm not settling in that early. I probably don't want to for a few more years." I admitted cause I was telling the truth.

I was always independent. I always depended on myself. I never wanted to settle down. If I did get married, we'd be traveling the world, not get stuck in some two story home with creamy white curtains and a cliche huge tree in the front lawn where a rope hung from one of its branches with a car tire attached.

"But you're 22, Emma. Shouldn't you be wanting to settle down?" El grumbles. "I don't settle down, El. I never had and I never will. People like me don't belong in things like knitting circles or reading circles or that stuff. We are always on the road, if not, we're always moving."

"But Harry would want to settle down. He says that he's too lazy to tr-"

"Yeah well there's the reason why Harry and I aren't good for each other. He wants some little daughter named Darcy and I don't want kids not for a while anyways. Having kids is like making everything permanent, and I don't like that. You know what? I'm gonna go out for some Starbucks. You guys can join me if you want."

Frustration is ready to consume me. "Can you just get me a green tea frap with cream?" El calls. "And get me a cinnamon bun?" Perrie calls. I nodded before grabbing my wallet, keys and cellphone before heading out the door.

Harry's p.o.v.

"And she was all like 'I don't want kids. Not not now anyways.'" Perrie sighs over the phone. "Do you love her, Harry? Like LOVE her?"

"Yes, Per. I do."

"Well get knock some sense into that girl cause she's a wild one. And then she was all talking about how she would never be found in knitting circles or reading clubs or whatever. I was only half listening until she mentioned Starbucks."

"Only you, Perrie.. And Niall." I laughed and shook my head. "Well I have to go and help pack all of Emma'a girly clothes with El before she comes back or she'll throw them back into her closet and get her leather jackets back out. That girl is all skinny black and deep red jeans with white tanktops, leather jackets and combat boots."

We said our goodbyes and hung up. What if I asked her out and she said no? What if it was because I wanted to settle and she didn't? Should I go down to Starbucks?

Emma's p.o.v.

There were not much people there. I quickly went through twitter.

@Homiegirl_katie: there's some rumor that Hemma was back on?

It got 985 likes and 475 retweets.

I giggled to myself. People these days. "What's so funny?" He bit his lip. "Nothing Harry. Just some fan drama. I should get back.. To my place and pack. Eleanor's frap can melt and she likes the icy parts the best." I was able to hold Perrie's cinnamon bun (which was in a bag) and El's frap in one hand and my cotton candy frap in the other hand.

"I'll walk with you." Damn this boy stubborn. "Please come with me.. On Thursday to see my mum and Gemma again, please? It's just dinner."

Think of some excuse!

How about 'I can't. I had this thing to do on Thursday night.' No. How about 'Sorry I cant. I'm allergic to whatever Anne's cooking?' That's both offensive and stupid.



Wattpad deleted my story thats why it took sorta forever. :'(

Well its been quite a while! I've been busy visiting all these doctors and stuff because I'm anemic and my mom's been making me eat healthy foods (that obviously never existed in my vocabulary but it now does since my mom drilled it into my brain). But enough about me!! The boys broke the 24 hour record on vevo! And it was their 3rd birthday on the 23rd!

And great news guys! (well I find it great news) Now you all can follow me on Facebook to see my random 1D posts cause obviously, my friends on Facebook are all like 'I DON'T GIVE A SHIT!'

Yeah. They don't like it when I spam their notification page. I would love to chat too :D I'll be giving sneak peaks on my new stories and all that! There'll also be some personal stuff that I'll post about my life and all so if you're interested, here's the link:

Much love!

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