Chapter 3- Mobs

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Emma's p.o.v.

My feet were running over to my sneakers whilst I grabbed my cardigan and my cellphone. I searched up Shay's cell on the GPS thingy and got the location. Well, I honestly didn't really need to since I could hear people screaming 'HARRY STYLES!!!' About a mile away.

My feet took off just as a car came around the corner, stopping a foot away from me. "Watch it you bitch!" A girl with many lip rings and thick eyeliner yelled sticking her head out the window. I just gave her the finger and kept on running.


I was less than half a block away and it was chaos. I couldn't see the girls anywhere, but Harry stood on top of a large van scared shitless. He was huddled in a ball with his head between his knees.

"Emma?" I turned around at the familiar face. "John!" (A/N: just to save you all from looking back into the first chapter, John is Emma's boss and a sheriff) He looks at Harry. "What is the kid doing up there?" Harry scanned his eyes along the crowd and for a few seconds, his eyes met mine. "Emma?" He said.

He slowly got up still staring at me and jumped. Right into the fans. Literally on top of a few. I winced whilst the girls he jumped on screamed. I couldn't tell if it was a painful scream or a happy 'ASDFGHJKL-HARRY-STYLES-JUST-LANDED-ON-ME' scream.

John was suddenly gone from behind me and was pushing through the fans that were running away from the limp (four?) people on the ground. Police cars suddenly showed up and everyone froze. Literally. It was as if I was watching some CSI movie and then I needed to get more popcorn and paused the movie.

Four ambulances pulled up and madness came around again. John threw himself at Harry and pinned him onto the ground handcuffing him (I quests since he jumped and landed on four people and injured them quite bad and John thought he did it purposely?). Harry was pushed into a squad car and it left before I could do anything.

"Emma!" Shay ran up to me with Perrie, Eleanor, and Dani behind her. "We need to go to the police station right now! Hopefully you can convince the police to let him go without any charges!"

"I'm calling Liam!" Dani yelled. Shay quickly called a cab and in 15 minutes, we were all on our way. 12:46 damn. It went so fast. I mean the time. "Emma! I wasn't expecting you to be here until tomor-" John looked at the time. "Fair enough."he murmurs and smiles.

"So, what brings you all here? Is it because of that Harry Styles?" I opened my mouth to speak but Perrie cut me off. "He is innocent! I tell you! We were mobbed by fans!"

"Does that give a reason why he jumped onto four people and sent them to the emergency room with broken limbs?" John question. We all shut up. "John, he has alcohol in his system." I began.

"I know. It was obvious. But until then, I'm keeping him locked up until he's sober. Probably in a few hours? When he is, he'll be questioned about the incident and you'll take his mug shots. He just got lucky this time but he's not coming out with a clean record." All of us were pretty much relieved... Except for Eleanor. "What the hell is wrong with you? What if Harry just slipped off the van and landed onto those people?" She demanded.

"I'd like to think that too, but on the way here, he was all like 'I should've put more weight on them. They attacked me and they always ruin my nights.'" I bit my lip. "Now hurry home, Hathaway. You need to get here by eight."


I walked into the office. "There you are! Harry flacking Styles is here! And you have to take his mug shots!" Amanda squealed... Awkward for a 26 year old woman. Jeeze. I only got 6 hours of sleep. I know. I sleep A LOT (up to 12 hours per night). "Are you ready for him?" One of the officers asked. "Send him in!" I yelled and bit my lip.

Although he saw me a few hours ago, this time, he was sober. Harry's body sulked over in front of the camera. "Stand up straight." I ordered. He looked up and started at me. "Emma?"

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