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"So what brings you here today?" I sat across from a white lady with a cool purple haircut and a inviting smile.

"Well I wanted to write a book and after doing some research on what steps I should take. I stumbled upon your website and I saw all these great reviews on your company and I figured you'd be the best person to help me." She crossed her hands on the table while leaning in.

"You chose the right gal." I smiled. "Have you experience with writing before?"

"No." Her smile dropped. "But. I have a pretty interesting story to tell."

"What makes your story interesting? People come in here with the same shit but no one truly holds up to their word."

"Well I was a stripper in Miami. I started at the age of 16. Before that I was homeless and saw my own father murdered at the age of 14. I've been in countless foster homes which is a story on its on. I slept in a Walmart once and didn't get caught. I watched my Bestfriend be murders by police after trying to rob a bank. I was fired from my job and found myself walking two miles into town with $6,000 and a few outfits. I fell asleep in a cab and told the driver to drop me off at any hotel. Which ended up being a mistake. He took me to a hotel 20 miles outside of the city to a hotel where I was raped by an employee. That's not even the half of it but I'll continue my story if you help me out." My heart ached for some reason.

I looked down at my shoes and everything hit me.

My words hit me.

I been through a-fuckin-lot. And I was sort of numb to it but now that I'm actually hearing it out loud..... I hate myself more than I ever have. I always told myself I'd get myself out of the gutter but I never did. Everything I went through I could've gotten myself out of.

"How old are you?"

"I just turned 19 two months ago." I looked up and she was staring at me.

"When did all this happen?"

I sighed. "Two months ago." She sat back in her chair once again and tapped her pen on the glass table.

"I'll work with you. But on one condition."

"What's that?"

"That you get yourself some help." I frowned. "I know you don't know me from a hole in a wall but I can see it in your eyes your suffering. When I was your age I had just got out from spending 7 years in prison. When I was 11 I had been hanging with the wrong crowd and tried stealing money out of a Brink's truck with a group of nine, who got the money and left me there to take the wrap. It got me educationless and raped by a bitch who was two hundred pounds heavier than me and gave me HIV. I wrote a book on it and made over a million off it. I want you to go home and settle with your inner demons before you come back to me." She handed me a card from her her laptop case. "Call that number in red. That's my personal number. I'm looking forward to your call." I grabbed my purse and stood up as she did the same. I reached my hand out for a hand shake but she pulled me into a hug. At first I wanted to pull away but for some reason I felt like I needed it. "I look forward to working with you." She pulled away and gave me a smile.

I nodded and her assistant lead me out the office door.

I swallowed the knot in my throat and headed for the elevator to get to my car.

It's been a couple months since the trial and things have been..... Okay, I guess.

Rico and I are great though.

With the money I got from the judge. I got us a nice five bedroom, three and a half bath, house. I was able to get two cars and get all my stuff from Rico's old house in Florida.

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