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Just like doctor Francisco said he brought my medicine to me. He even did a at home blood test just in case the medicine has made any changes in my body.

"Thank you again."

"Like I said before it's no problem." I watched Francisco get in his car safely before closing the door.

I locked all the locks and went into the kitchen to fix breakfast for Rico and I since he's wrapping Christmas gifts for his sisters, brother, and Caidon.

I wanted to ask Rico if he wanted bacon or sausage but I'm still mad at him, so I'll make both.

Ugh I know it seems like I'm overreacting but you don't know how if feels to know he chose his hand over you.

I've tried to do the whole sexy shit. Put on a nice lil outfit and turn the lights down low with the candles and everything but he'll tell me he's tired. I'll get in the shower with him and it'll just be a shower. Nothing more, nothing less.

Sexually frustrated isn't even the words to describe how I feel.

"Baby can you bring me some tape?"

Fuck no.

"I can't right now, I don't wanna burn these eggs." I scrambled them up in the pan and add a little more pepper on them. I went over to the stove where I have a hot pan ready to put the sausage on.

Rico came in and wrapped his arms around me.

God give me strength.

"Everything's smelling good." He kissed me on my cheek down to my neck.

"Thank you." I wanted to elbow him so bad.

He let me go and walked out the kitchen. I checked on the eggs to make sure they were cooking hoe I want them.

Rico came back in and looked through the junk drawer. "Baby. I looked in the office and didn't see any." He came and stood next to me.

"I don't know what to tell you. You might have to go out and get some." I flipped the sausage on the other side and turned the burner down on the eggs.

"What's wrong? Why you sound mad?"

I turned around and looked at him. "Because I am."

"What for?" I went to the refrigerator and pulled out the bacon.

"Is there something wrong with me?" I leaned against the fridge and he stepped in front of me.

"What you mean? You fine to me." He held my free looking cute. I'm supposed to be mad at him but it's hard.

"I was on the phone with doctor Francisco and he asked me what my dosage was on the prescription he gave me. My pills were in the bathroom where you were in the shower.... you see where I'm going with this?"

He laughed. "You saw me jerkin huh?"

"I'm glad you think this is funny." I pushed past him and sat the bacon on the counter.

"I don't see why you're mad. Every nigga does it."

"I don't see why you have to when you have me. Every attempt I've made to have sex with you has failed. Every time I make a move or drop a hint you say you're tired or you say you'll be right back and you end falling asleep on the couch playing one if your stupid games. Your hands shouldn't be getting more action them me." I cut the packet of bacon open and put a few strips on the other half of the pan.

"I'm sorry El. I just didn't want you to fall asleep while we fuckin." I rolled my eyes and checked on the eggs again. "You just fall asleep during so much shit. I didn't want you to fall asleep during a time where we're the most intimate. You just be pissing me off everytime but you just don't even be trying to stay awake."

I gripped the spatula in my hand trying not to pop off. I'm trying to be a new person, not because I want to, but for my health. My heart can't handle any large amounts of stress or for me to get angry.

Even though old Elora wants to punch him in the fuckin face.

"Fine. I understand." Even though I really don't. If someone is fuckin the shit out of you I'm sure it would be very hard to go to sleep.

But he's not so I'll doze off when the need to sleep comes on. And it's not like I want to fall asleep, it's the meds.

"You still sound mad."

"I'm not. Just go find the tape okay and let me cook." I could feel that vein on the side of my neck throb.

"You trippin man." He walked out the kitchen to leave me in peace. I looked up at the ceiling and did the breathing exercises my therapist taught me to keep myself calm.


I watched Rico leave the house, he looks pretty upset. I'm pretty sure he'll be crushed when he comes back home to see the mess I made.


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