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Read the authors note at the end of the chapter.

"This don't look like no movie theater." Elora said looking at the house they had pulled up to.

"Just get out." Kara said.

Elora got out and grabbed her bag. She followed behind the girls getting more suspicious with every step. Corey pulled a key from her back pocket and opened the door.

"Who's nice ass house is this?" El asked looking around.

"It's ours." Rico said coming down the steps. Elora turned around and looked at him.

"But how?" Rico came up to her and held her hands.

"I haven't been completely honest with you about where I've been lately."

Elora gave him a look. "My hormones ain't where they supposed to be at right now. Don't be doing all this to tell me some bullshit."

"No, no, no. I've never had class Monday through Friday. On my off days on Monday, Tuesdays, and Every other Friday I have been working at this construction job that builds mansions. At first I was working the job just to buy you an engagement ring. I was gonna purpose to you a long time ago, but I never had worked up the courage."

"What engagement ring?" Elora asked.

Rico got on one knee and pulled a black velvet case from his back pocket.

"This one." He opened it up and Elora damn near went blind. "I been working hard for the past two years building this house for us. I convinced some of the niggas I was working with to help me out. For the last two years I've been working on and off again on this house getting it perfect for you and I. I know we're young but I wanna marry you Elora Caterina Montes. I wanna spend the rest of my life with your mean ass." Elora laughed and wiped a falling tear. "We don't have to get married right away. I'll Wait as long as you want." Elora was trying to let it all sink in but nothing seemed real. "Will you marry me baby?"

Elora nodded with tears in her eyes. Rico was about to put the ring on her finger but he froze.

She waited for a second but he didn't move.

"Rico?" She touched him but he felt like wax. She looked over to the girls and they were gone. The room started to spin and she placed her hand on her stomach and she felt nothing. She lifted up her shirt in a panic to see her stomach was flat again.

Elora backed away and the floor began to crack. She tried to run away but the floor cracked under her.


The nurses pushed Rico out the room and they tried to get Elora to respond to treatments as she was starting to have a serious heart attack.

Rico tried to watch from the window but a nurse closed the blinds. He paced around quickly and punched the wall next to him.

Elora had still been in the hospital after trying to kill herself. The heart attacks in her sleep had sent her into a coma. Doctors had hooked her to ever machine possible to keep her alive. They had her brain monitored to see her progression. The monitor showed that she was still having dreams. Which was a good sign that the heart attacks hadn't starved her brain from oxygen.

She had been in the coma for almost five months now. The doctors were seriously concerned since she hadn't woken up yet. Elora had muscle movement which had shown some approvment. She could smile if she heard a voice when she recognized it. She even had held Rico's hand once. It didn't last long but that meant something to him.

Rico comes everyday. She had missed his birthday and graduation for completing his second year of college. All these things were passing her by but he kept coming. Her doctor said it was good Rico came and talked to her everyday, it was a fact talking to coma patients helps them to recovery. Rico was exceptionally sad when they caught his mom trying to cross the Mexican border and Elora couldn't see it. Her arrest was prod casted from the east to the west coast. But Elora missed it.

Rico slid down the wall crying to himself. He was sick of Elora suffering like this. He had the option to take her off the supports and to let her just slip away in her sleep. But he knew he couldn't live with that on his conscious.

He got himself together and made his way out the building knowing they won't let him back in the room. Rico got to his car and laid his head on the steering wheel for a moment and thought about all the heart attacks and seizures Elora had over the past few months.

Maybe I should pull the plug.


That is the end of book two. Thank you guys so much for reading and commenting.

Book three will be coming soon.


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