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A month later

I looked at myself in the full body mirror in our bedroom and looked at my stomach. I rested my hand on it and smiled. I'm officially three months as of two days ago and I'm starting to show more and more everyday. Rico can't stop touching and rubbing on me and I love it. I can't wait till we find out if we're having a boy or a girl. My doctor was tryin to see if we could find out early but the baby had its damn back to us at the last appointment.

"El I'm about to leave for school! Come give me a kiss!" Rico yelled from downstairs. I pulled my tank top down and left out the bedroom and headed down the steps quickly.

"Do you have to go to school?" I stood in front of him as he laced up his shoe.

"Yes baby I do. I have all kinds of things I need to do today. I'll be home late and then I'm all yours." He stood up and put one strap of his backpack on his shoulder and grabbed the keys to one of his cars and kissed me a few times on the lips before heading out the door.

"Oh I'm forgetting something." He turned around and kissed my growing belly. He kissed me one more time before heading back out the door and walked quickly to his car. He got in and honked the horn before backing out the driveway.

I closed the door and went to the kitchen to fix me a peanut butter and ham sandwich. That's all I have a taste for now. Everything else makes me sick. The morning sickness has been kicking my ass and every time I try to eat something different it comes right back up. Sandwiches and oatmeal are the only thing I've been able to hold down. All that morning sickness shit is bullshit. I be throwing up left and right. Just last night I was throwing up for twenty minutes and I finally stopped and was fine again then around midnight I was at it again. I'm used to it now but at the beginning I was miserable.

We've been coming up with names here lately and of course Rico wants it to be a junior if it's a boy and if it's a girl we're gonna name her Asha. He doesn't really like the name but he'll have to live with it.

I fixed my sandwich and poured me a glass of cranberry since it doesn't make me sick. Right as I got upstairs and sat on the bed. The door bell rung.

"Dammit." I sat everything on the nightstand and went to the window to see Corey's car. I forgot the girls were coming over today. I went back down stairs and opened the door for them.

"Hi beautiful." Demetri said hugging me.

"Hi." I hugged all three of them and headed up the stairs to return to my Sandwich.

"It feels like forever since I last saw but I just seen you last weekend. Well except Kara who's ass is always at work." Corey said laying across my bed.

"I know." I said stuffing my face.

"Shut up. How's the baby doing?" Kara asked rubbing on my stomach.

"Good. My doctor said her heart beat is perfect and nothing looks abnormal. The doctor was trying to see if we could see if it's a girl or a boy early but her back was back was facing us so we couldn't see."

"You said she. So are you hoping for a girl?" Corey asked.

"Yessss. I really want a girl. But it doesn't matter as long as it's healthy."

"I can't wait for it to get here." Corey said pouting.

"Bitch me either! I just can't wait to hold my baby. I love it already. Just hearing the heart beat and seeing the ultrasound it gets me even more excited." I finished my sandwich and got started on my juice.

"How's Rico feel?" Kara asked.

"I think he's more excited than me. Like he's so excited to go to appointments that we're always there like an half an hour early. And he's been tending to my every need and he's been working on the nursery since I first showed him the ultrasound. The thing that I love the most is when we're in bed he'll sleep close behind me so he can keep his hands on my stomach. Enough about me. How's thing going for you Corey? You're in your second trimester already. I'm kinda jealous."

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