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"Crys, what was going through you mind when you saw Elora?"

"I was concerned of course. Everybody in Florida had basically fled the city as we'd normally do during one of these storms. I was driving home from work and I saw someone limping on the side of the road, so I had to pull over and see if they were okay. I tried to get Elora to come with me but she wasn't going at first. So i mentioned the storm and she hopped in so fast. But it wasn't till she got in, that I saw the full extent of her injuries. So i took her my house and fixed her up."

"So do you normally pick up strange people off the road?" Elora asked.

"No. But I had a gut feeling that I should help you and I guess that feeling was right. Because you were in bad shape buddy."

"What was wrong with her?" Oprah asked.

"She definitely had a broken leg, but she had been walking on it so her body was already in the process of healing itself. But she had a lot of internal bleeding. And all I could do is have her elevate her leg to get that flow back to that leg, since we weren't in a hospital. She had a dislocated shoulder and I had to pop that back into place. I'm a nurse at hospital a few miles out from Miami, so I had supplies out of this world. I Stitched her up where she was bleeding the most. And then she was alright." Crys looked at Elora with a smile, knowing she was okay.

"Elora what was it like for you on your end?"

"I couldn't be more thankful. If you hadn't pulled over I don't think I would've survived any longer than I did. Thank you so much for everything." Elora hugged Crys tightly.

"Well Crys before I thought my first search for you didn't go so well. I asked Elora what she would do for you if I found you and she told me all these things that she wanted to do. And I heard you lost everything in the storm correct?"

"Yes that's correct." She dabbed her eyes as tears flooded her vision thinking about her destroyed home.

"So I decided Elora and I would help you out. I'm giving you five hundred thousand dollars to spend on whatever you want. Elora tell her what you're giving her." Crys clutched her chest. She'd never seen that much money before.

"You pick any place you want to live, pick any house and it's yours." Elora said smiling. "I'm giving you a brand new Jeep Grand Cherokee. Since I'm sure you want a new one." Crys put her hand on face. "Oprah told me that you lost everything, so I wanna give you an additional twenty grand. And on top of that, I remember you told me you wanted to go back to school to become a pediatrician and Oprah is going to pay your way through any school you want." Crys looked at them in disbelief.

"Are you kidding me?" She pinched herself in the arm and shook her head. "This is real. You guys are for real? You're not just pulling my arm are you?"

"No!" Elora and Oprah said in unison.

"Sweet Jesus. Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She hugged Elora first and jumped up and hugged Oprah. "I can't believe this. Oh I gotta sit down before I faint."

Oprah laughed, looking into Camara three. "We'll be back after this commercial break."


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