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Third person

Rico cried silently as he paced around the waiting room worried sick.

Sya held Alex with wet eyes she mentally prayed asking God to help her daughter. Sya just got Alex back after a long 2 year custody battle with her ex-husband August and couldn't handle the thought of losing Elora. She didn't care about the cost or how long it took, she just wanted El better. They had her under close watch and wouldn't let them see her.

After the ambulance came and got El from the bridge they brought her back to the hospital and we're able to stop the heart attacks by giving her heavy doses of morphine to keep her heavily sedated.

The medicine had left her unconscious to keep her relaxed. Sammie made a suggestion to keep everyone away from her so nothing could spike her blood pressure and that she would monitor El around the clock to make sure all her vitlas were stabalized.

After consulting a few of his colleagues, Dr. Francisco determined that Schizophrenia is the final verdict for the reason why Elora is having trouble but he needed her to answer some questions from him. He sat next to her in a chair as she sat up in the hospital bed waiting for him to speak.

"Elora I need you to please answer these questions for me so I can be sure what you have is Schizophrenia. These questions are questions that i ask all patients, these aren't to upset you, these are standardized questions, you understand?"

El nodded slowly.

"I need to hear you say it." He crossed one leg over the other and leaned back in his seat.

"Yes. I understand." Her voice was low and raspy from not talking.

"Good. I'm gonna ask the questions and then I'll read off a list of responses like a one through ten scale. Got it?"

"Yes." She closed her eyes getting irritated by his presence. Her chest felt like it was on fire. It didn't help that she was back to being hooked up to wires and two different IV's with different medicines to keep her calm.

"First question: I hear or see things that others do not hear or see? Not at all, Just a little, Somewhat, Moderately, Quite a lot, All the time." He read from the list of responses for her to chose from.

"Quite a lot." Dr. Francisco checked the square on the paper that was on his clipboard.

"I feel it is very difficult for me to express myself in words that others can understand. Not at all, Just a little, Somewhat, Moderately, Quite a lot, All the time."

"All the time." She was ashamed to say it. She knows Rico wouldn't judge her or make her feel bad for how she felt or what she was feeling but she couldn't explain to him what she was feeling because she didn't even know herself.

"Others don't believe me when I tell them the things I see or hear. Not at all,Just a little, Somewhat, Moderately, Quite a lot, All the time."

"I've never told anyone. So not at all."

Dr. Francisco made a side note next to the answer.

"I respond back to the things I see?"

"Not really. I mostly just tell them to leave me alone. Which never works."

"I can't trust what I'm thinking because I don't know if it's real or not? Not at all, Just a little, Somewhat, Moderately, Quite a lot, All the time."

"All the time." She took a deep breath and looked down at her hands in her lap. She was uncomfortable discussing all this. She was embarrassed to be admitting she had a problem to someone she hardly knew.

Elora - SquealWhere stories live. Discover now