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Third person

It's been three days since Elora's been in the hospital. She never sleeps she just continues to stare at the ceiling blinking every once and a while.

Doctor Francisco has been worried about her getting bed sore since she's not moving.

He removed the tube from her throat to see if she could breath on her own. When they did she still laid there looking off into space.

Sya came down as fast as she could. She sits with Elora while Rico goes to school trying to get her to say something.

But El still won't talk.

Nurses think it's because her throat may hurt from the tube but she still laid there like she had since she got out of surgery.

"C'mon El. You gotta talk sooner or later." Sya squeezed the rag in the water and washed El's back.

She stared at nothing in particular as she always does.

Sya looked at the nurses who stood in the hospital bathroom with her. She sighed and sat the wash cloth on the edge of the tub and dried her hands off on the thighs of her leggings.

The three person team of nurses picked El out the tub and stood her on her feet.

They dried her off good and slipped another grown on her.

Sya grabbed the hair tie from her wrist and twisted Elora's hair up into a top knot.

The head nurse Megan opened the door as one of the male nurses picked her up and laid her back in the bed.

Sammie came in the room with a cart with medical supplies on it. She grabbed a pair of latex gloves from the box that hung on the wall.

Sya sat next to her 4 year daughter Alexandria who sat criss cross on the couch coloring away on her iPad.

"How's she doing?" Sammie asked Megan who was pulling the covers over El's legs.

"Good for the most part. Still unresponsive but everything is okay." Megan tucked the sheets under her thighs and made sure she was sitting up so she was putting any strain on her neck.

"How's that heart doing?"

Megan looked at the monitor carefully. "There's short moments of rapid heart beat but she's been stable for about an hour and a half now."

"Okay good, thank you guys." The the nurses left the room to let Sammie to her thing.

"El, I'm here to give you some more medicine and to put another bandage on your neck." El remained quite.

Sammie reattached her to the IV since the needle remained taped to her arm.

Rico came into the room looking exhausted. He slightly smiled at Sya and put his duffle bag on the seat next to her.

He had finished three hours of classes and a 2 hour football practice. He went home to take a shower but used the bathroom in one of the guest rooms.

Even though the police were kind enough to clean up the scene once they were done, Rico didn't go in there.

He made sure that his time at the house was limited. He showered and grabbed more clothes with him to take to the hospital.

"How's she doing?" Rico asked Sammie who was putting the last bandage on Elora's neck.

"Still unresponsive. But she's getting better. I just cleaned up the wound and gave her some more morphine to relax her a little bit. I'll be back in a few hours to see how she's doing."

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