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"Ma'am put the gun down we have it from here." The two officers got out the cruisers and came up the front porch. "I hope you got a licenses for that gun." The shorter guy said.

"I do. It's upstairs in my office. I'll get it once you get these two of my damn porch. My damn eggs probably cold." They handcuffed them both and put them in the police car.

Rico pulled up in the driveway and got out. "What's going on? You alright?" He looked down at the gun in my hand.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I said being dry.

"Ma'am would you mind telling us what happened?" The tall guy asked as the other put Reeves and Rakeeyduh in the car.

"The guy knocked on my door saying he was here to talk. He has a restraining order against Rico and I have one on him, so I found him being at my house to be suspicious. I got my gun from the closet and told him to leave, I already called 911, and warned him again but he still wouldn't leave. I showed him I was serious and knocked his ass to the floor. His lil sidekick broke in from the back and put a gun to my head talking this shit. So I hit her ass, that's when you late niggas came." I rolled my eyes and went back in the house to put the gun back in its place.

"We're sorry ma'am. We came as soon as we could." I closed the closet door and turned to him.

"Mhm. Just hurry and get them out my driveway."

"I still need to see that gun license."

"I'll get it." Rico said and ran up the stairs.

"What is your phone number so we can call you with any further questions."

"555-5550". I watched him write it down on a notepad.

Ric came back down with my license in his hand. The officer took it. "I'll Svan this in our database to make sure this is legit." He walked out the house quickly.

I closed the front door and shook my head. What a way to start my morning.

"El you okay?"

"You already asked me that and I said my fine." I went back to the kitchen and turned the burners back on to warm the food back up, since I'm sure it got cold.

Rico smacked his lips like he does when he's irritated. "You still mad?" He's about to piss me off.

"Rico got dammit..." I pinched the bridge of my nose. "I'm not mad, I'm just frustrated that's all. I'm okay, they didn't hurt me. You don't have to worry because I'm not worrying... Just.... Just let me finish making breakfast." He nodded and left out the kitchen without a word.

Now I feel bad. I know he's trying to be there for me but I'm trying to control all the shit I got going on. As long as I'm thinking of something the voices aren't bothering me, as long as I keep busy I'm not going to fall asleep, as long as I keep my hands to myself I won't punch Rico every time he gets on my nerves, and as long as I keep myself occupied with this damn breakfast I won't break down and cry from being scared.

Reeves was trying scare me into giving him money and it almost worked.

I wiped my watering eyes and stood on the tips of my toes trying to get the pancake mix from the cabinet. I'm trying to put on this tough exterior but I don't know how much longer I can put on the act. I couldn't reach the box so I gave up.

I would call Rico to get it but I know he's probably is mad at me. I'm not even hungry anymore.

Putting the lids to all the pans I headed upstairs to my office, passing Rico who was wrapping up gifts again.


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