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"I love it." The tattoo artist, Corey, smiled as she stood behind me looking at the tattoo she did on my arm. I told her she could do whatever she wanted on me but I didn't expect the tattoo to come out this nice.

"I'm glad you like it. Come over here so I can wrap it up before you go." I peeled my eyes away from the mirror and sat back down on the black leather chair.

She rubbed my arm with this oil before laying plastic wrap on my arm and taping it closed.

"So did Ric go out too?" I rolled my eyes and pulled my sleeve down once she finished.

"Yes and he's doing it to make me mad."

I've hung out with Corey several times due to the fact that she's Andre's girlfriend. She's a good time, I can consider her a friend.

"I here you. Andre and I got into a huge argument because he wants us to go his visit his family for Christmas first. But they live all the way in Houston. When we could just go to my family first since they live here."

"Why can't you guys go see your family first?" I frowned.

"I don't know. He just is really home sick and wants to go see them as soon as possible. I was okay with that after an hour him trying to get his point a crossed. But I couldn't tell him that because he stormed out the house and went to Nick's house for the rest of the day. And when he came home he called the whole team to hang out. Then he got in the shower, got dressed, and then bounced again." She shook her head and took her gloves off to put them in the trash. "I just don't know what to do."

"Have you tried to sit down and talk to him?"

"Yeah but it ends up in us yelling at each other all over again." I've heard this all before.

"Rico and I used to be like that. But I learned a trick."

"What is it?"

"When he's arguing, let him yell. Don't say a word. You don't have to listen or act like you're paying attention. Just remain quite. Then when he's done, just say these two words: you're right. And then get up and walk away."

"How's that gonna work?"

"He'll expect for you to argue back. When you say you're right he'll be thrown off. And when you walk away Andre will follow you. He's gonna ask: "What do you mean I'm right? And then say back: I mean what I said. You're completely right. By this time you need to be getting your keys and leave the place."

"What's that gonna do?" She looked at me confused.

"He'll have no choice but to think about what he said. You should go shopping, take as long as you won't. Come home late or maybe two or three hours after the argument. By the time you come back he'll be waiting at the door for you to come home. And as soon as you walk through the door he'll be apologizing like crazy."

"How do you know it'll work?"

"I've done it. It works every time. But you can't do it in the same week, or the same month, try it every five or six months and it'll throw him off."

"I'm gonna try it. Thank you."

"You're welcome." I put Rico's jacket back on and grabbed my bag with my wallet ready to go. I hopped out the chair and headed out the room to the front desk to pay for my tattoo.

"How was everything?" The manager asked.

"It was great. How much do I owe you?"

"What did you get?"

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