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I rolled my eyes as the doorbell rang. I put the last piece of bacon on the paper towel and turned all the burners off.

I walked across the house to the front door and looked through the peep hole.


"Excuse me. I looked all over the store and i didn't see any clear tape. Do you know where it's at?" I asked this little white kid who was stocking shelves.

"Did you check the office supply or craft aisles?"

"Yeah and all there was is the foggy ass white tape. I want that super clear shit. I'm trynna make all the presents look professional." I take Christmas very seriously.

"Well if it wasn't in any of the aisles we probably don't have it?" He kept on putting shit on the shelves with his rude ass.

"How the fuck is this Walmart and y'all don't got clear tape? You niggas is supposed to have every-fuckin-thing."

"I don't appreciate that kind of language." He stepped away from me acting all scared.

"What? Because I said nigga?" He ain't say shit, he just looked at me with this blank ass look. "Ol' sensitive ass. " I walked away and went back to the supply aisle. I guess this foggy shit gone have ta do.


I ran back into the kitchen and looked for my phone.

"Elora I know you in there. I just wanna talk."

How did he find me?

I saw his shadow against the blinds. He's trynna look in the house.

"Just open the door El."

Fuck no. Where is my phone?

He kept knocking on the door and ringing the door bell. I stepped slowly around the kitchen trying not to make any noise. These hard wood floors creak in some spots.

I poked my head out the kitchen and saw my phone on the arm of the couch in the sitting area.

"El. Open up man." Reeves banged hard on the door making me nervous. I gotta call the police but I'll have to pass the window to get to it, fuck!

I got down on the floor and started to army crawl towards the closet by the stairs. I almost forgot got about my gun. I got one of the bitches when I got out of jail.

Those cops from the prison wrote letters to me saying they were gonna kill me, so I went out and got me some training and got me a gun license. Them scary mufuckas is a part of the reason Rico and I move.

I ain't have to use that shit yet but I guess today will be the day.


"Have a good day sir, sorry we didn't have the tape on stock." I took the plastic bag from the cashier.

"It's cool." I walked out the store and headed to my car.

Neriah really is mad huh?

I see where she coming from but I had to take care of business you feel me?

My baby taking all this medicine and it be having her slumped. What I look like fuckin my girl while she sleep?

I feel bad low key but El gotta understand where I'm coming from. I'm not the type to cheat, it's  easy to stay fateful, but if I'm not getting no box I gotta rely on my hand. I ain't about to be walking around with a rock between my legs all because my girl became sleeping Beauty. 

Elora - SquealWhere stories live. Discover now