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After smashing a numerous plates of food I decide to take my over stuffed ass to the movies. My waiter Nathan kept on bringing shit out for me to eat. The cook heard I was there and gave me all this good ass food for free!

It took me five minutes to get to my car since I was out of breath. I'm glad these overalls are roomy, my ass ate to fuckin much.

Even though I ate all that food I still had to have popcorn at the movies. There's this old movie theater called House of classics ten minutes from our house that shows throwback movies. Tonight they're playing Set It Off. I hate this movie so much but it's one of my favorites.

When I was in foster care I used to watch this movie all the time. Ivan and I used to watch it from the window of the house after I ran away, that's why I hate it so much. My foster home didn't have much. We only had set it off to watch. We'd all sit around on Saturday nights and watch it and even after I ran away I still sneak back and watch it with Ivan.

I knew when it was my time to leave when Cleo's car stopped in the middle of the street. A flashback of Ivan running away from the bank came to me.

This part is usually where I stop watching.

Cleo go out the car shooting and I looked away from the screen. I grabbed my purse and popcorn and got up out my seat. I wiped my tears with the back of my hand and jogged down the steps. I don't know why I did this to myself.

Other people in the room were locked in on the screen crying their damn selves.

I left out the theater and went to my car. It's about one in the morning so I should head home anyway.


I came home from the club early. That girl followed me everywhere I went and I got tired of the shit. She took every bottle I ordered straight to the head. Security ended up taking her out the building since she started throwing up in the VIP area. After that I had to bounce, I don't got the stomach to look at that shit.

It's almost 1:30 and my baby ain't home yet. I been here for about two hours and she ain't nowhere to be found. I flipped through the channel trying to find something to occupy my time.

Let me let y'all in on a little secret. Well it's a big secret. And been holding onto this shit for a minute now.

I'm trynna purpose to El. I was gonna do it on Christmas but that shit seem corny to me. I talked to my brother about it and he said we to young to get married. And I agree.

I told him we way past the promise ring type shit. I wanna take the next step. We don't gotta get married tomorrow or nothing like that. We can get married when we're 50 but if that's when she want to get married, then so be it.

I'm so in love with Elora it's crazy. I don't know what I would do if I lost her. And I wanna show her that.

I looked over and El walked in the room and put her key on my dresser. 

She not gonna speak? She can't still be mad at me.

"You don't see me here?" Her ass just kept on about her business. "Elora." She went into the closet and I can hear her take her clothes off. She came out in one of my shirts typing away at her phone. "Who you texting?"

Like before, she ignored me and got in the bed. I took her phone and saw she was texting Corey, Andre's girlfriend. "Oh you can talk to her but you can't talk to me?" She took the remote from my hand. "You being childish as fuck."

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