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Very short, sinc you guys with a cliffhanger in the last chapter. :)

Elora wiped her face from the tears that poured down her cheeks.

"I'm having a baby." She said smiling. "I can't believe this."

"You're also five weeks, so you're definitely in your first trimester. Congratulations." Elora hugged Francisco with a unbreakable smile on her face.

"I gotta tell Rico! He's gonna be so happy."

"Don't get to excited we still got some issues at hand. I'm gonna give you some prenatal pills and you'll have to take, breakfast and another at dinner. This will be great for your baby and most importantly your health."

"Okay. I can do that." She said still wiping her face.

"I'll call my assistant to bottle those up for you, I'll call my wife she's an OBGYN, her office is across the street." He wheeled to the wall by the door that had the hospital phone hung up.

He dialled three numbers and his assistant picked up.

"Hey Dawn, I need you to run me a prescription for a trimesters worth of prenatal pills. All her blood work information is on file and can you give Fatima a call for me, tell her to come to my office. Tell her I gotta patient for her.... Thanks." He hung up and came to Elora who was still looking at the papers that confirmed her pregnancy. 


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