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Third person

Rico sat on that couch for six hours waiting.

He had missed football practice which will probably cause him to be benched for a game or two but he didn't care.

El is more important. He thought as he stared out into space.

Sammie returned finally with a tall, thin, handsome man with slick jet black hair beside her.

"Rico?" Sammie Softly. He snapped out his thoughts and sat up.


"This is Elora's doctor. She's out of surgery now." Rico silently thanked God.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Ramen Francisco. I'm the one who performed surgery on Elora." Rico stood and shook his hand.

"It's nice to meet you sir."

"Like wise." All  of them sat in the nearly empty waiting room to talk.

"How'd everything go?" Dr. Francisco sat across from Ric putting his words together in his mind.

"We almost lost her. She nearly lost almost 45% of her blood at the scene. So when we got her into the ER I ran blood tests on her. They came back saying she has a O negative blood type. Once that was found out, I immediately hooked her up with a blood transfusion. But of course wth her having such a huge laceration she was losing blood as we put more in.  We only have so much donated blood here so we had to work fast. But with the help of a six man team we were able to close everything. But what we were worried about were the series of heart attacks she had." Rico rubbed a hand across the back of his neck and looked out the window trying not to freak out. "It's odd for anyone under the age of 30 to have a heart attack, especially at the age of nineteen. Do you know if she was under any influence of drugs? We didn't find any in her system but drug abuse can have a long term affect even after the person has stopped using."

Rico shook his head. "Nah. She don't do shit like that. She smoke weed every now and then to be honest but a little weed ain't never hurt no body." He tried to joke the pain away but it didn't help.

Dr. Francisco laughed lightly. "That's true. But these heart attacks are serious. Did your notice anything unusual when you last saw her." He instantly thought about the way she was when he left the house.

"Yeah. She usually be sleep so on me and what not you feel me? But when I woke up she was on the other side of the bed pale. And she  was sweating hard. Not like you do when is hot in your room. But like when you work out kind of sweat. She was laid on her back and she was gripping the sheets real hard. And she was mumbling stuff, but I couldn't understand what she was saying." Sammie jotted down notes quickly as he spoke.

"Why didn't you wake her up?" Rico shook his head at himself.

"I asked myself that same question as I left out the door. I was running late for school and I had 15 minutes to get dressed and ready. So hurried and left." He felt stupid as he said it out loud.

"You didn't find that unusual at all?" Sammie cut in.

"Hell yeah I did."

"Has she been acting outside of her regular self or anything?" Sammie asked looking up from her notes.

"Yeah. She be having nightmares sometimes. She'll usually wake up breathing all heavy. Or  just get out the bed and get something to drink. But she would never sweat or talk in her sleep like how she was this morning, as far as I know. But the shit started to get worse. She had the nightmare every two weeks and then once a week, and then recently three times a week. I asked her about it and she said she was fine. They kept coming so I kept asking if she wanted to go to the hospital and she told me again she was fine. I kept asking to till she snapped on me one night and told me to stop asking so I left it alone." Dr. Francisco took in all the information Rico just gave him.

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