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I completely messed the story up. The story is set to take place in late March. And they're getting ready for Christmas. Pretend I never mentioned Christmas in this story and it's Spring time. Imagine it's the beginning  of spring and every body is on spring break. And Rico is planning to purpose during a football game not on Christmas.

Got it?

Good. Coming on.



I came through the door and tossed my keys and kicked my shoes off at the door. We had been shopping all day. I of course mostly bought shit for Rico even though he gets on my fuckin nerves.

I went to the living room and tossed my purse on the couch and headed to the kitchen to get water but stopped in my tracks. What the fuck did I just step on? I turned around I saw white Rose petals on the floor leading up the steps.

Rico what you up to? Cause if this is a way to get me to stop being mad he know I'm to petty for this shit. I walked up the stairs, I admired the candles that were lit, I loved how dim it is in the house. I walked into our bedroom and he was laid out on the bed on his phone. He saw me come in and tossed it across the room.

"Shit. Uh, hi." He got up from the bed and he didn't have nothing but some boxers on. He changed the sheets to these all white ones. It was white roses everywhere. He knows those are my favorite. It was nice low music playing around the room.

This shit is nice. He's really trying ain't he?

"Baby. I'm not trynna give you no long speech I just wanna give you some dick so you can stop being so mean." He wrapped his arms around me and kissed up my neck. "I don't like when you're all mean and shit. I'm sorry for saying all the things I said last night. I ain't mean it. I mean, shit, I did but I didn't mean to say it like the way I did."

I rolled my eyes and got out his arms to go to the closet to take my clothes off. "Elora I'm serious. What I said was mean and selfish. You don't deserve that. We been through to much for me to go and disrespect you like that. I'm just worried about your health. Having sex is something your doctor told us to take our time with. I don't want you having a heart attack while we fuckin. Do you know how scary that would be?" I couldn't help but to laugh a little.

"Can you just forgive me already and come lay on this bed and let me make love to you?" I nodded and he picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder.

I guess I'll put my petty card down for one night.


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