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"Oh my goodness. It's finally nice to meet you guys." Oprah fuckin winfrey came up to me and hugged me. Bitch, when i say my heart is beating so fast. It's not a joke. Emailing her back and forth was nerve racking but meeting her live in person, there's no comparison. I looked at Rico from over her shoulder and he game a thumbs up.

"Same here. I'm excited." She let me go and looked me up and down. I just got out hair and makeup so I hope I look right.

"You look cute. I'm gonna have to steal this outfit."

"Well you can have it when I'm finished with it." She laughed and took my hand. Just to add to my nervousness I'm in her fuckin house. Her fuckin house!

"Let me show you around." She lead me through a glass door and bright lights were everywhere. "This is my set for today. I thought my livingroom would be a great place to do the interview."

"It's very nice." Her living room is bigger than our house.

"Thank you. Have a seat." I sat on one of the couches and she sat across from me.

"I just wanted you to know before we start, that the interview will be live."

Kill me. Someone kill me now.

"Uh, I don't know what to say." Well this wasn't apart of the plan. I hope it's not to late to run back to Georgia.

"I'm sorry if I added to the pressure. But I wanted the whole world to get the raw uncut emotion that we talked about before. It's easy for my team to edit a interview and make it sound the way we want it to. But I think your story is the best I've ever heard. I want the viewers at home to feel how I feel when I'm talking to you. I don't want your story chopped and screwed into something is not." I took a deep breath.

"I understand."

"You ready for this?"

"No, but this is something that has to be done." I leaned back on the couch and relaxed.

"That's understand able. Let me find someone to get you hooked to a microphone and we'll get started." I nodded and she got up. I spent all morning and all afternoon relaxing and get my mind right for this. But it all went out the window when the words "going live" left her mouth.

Rico came in and sat next to me. "You okay?" He put his arm around me and i leaned into him.

"Yeah. She just told me the interview is going live." I chewed on the inside of my cheek trying to distract myself from thinking it.

"Damn." He said lowly.

"I know." I tossed my leg over his lap and he rested his hand on my thigh. He kissed behind my ear and rubbed my arm.

"Don't worry about it being live. Just act like you're talking to me." I looked up at him and kissed him.

"Thank you for being here for me." I wiped my lip stick off his lips but he kissed my thumb instead.

"Of course. You know I'll always be here for you."

Third person

Oprah came back into the livingroom with her audio coordinator Pauly.

"Elora, let's get you hooked up here." Rico got out the way and watched from the door.

Oprah sat on the couch across from Elora again. Pauly attached the mic to the neck of El's shirt.

"This is a cordless mic. The adapter is here inside this flower pot. So you won't have to worry about cords or anything like that." She made sure the mic was well covered before stepping away. Oprah's assistant led Rico to the kitchen were most of crew are going to watch the interview without being in the way. They had equipment set on any place possible. Rico sat at the kitchen looking at the 72 TV that hung on the wall.

Elora - SquealWhere stories live. Discover now