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I sat my ass down and took a sip from my water.

"Can I go home now? Y'all done whooped my ass with all this shopping and shit." I moved my hair out my face and put it up in a bun.

"We got another thirty minutes." I heard Kara whisper to Corey.

"Thirty minutes till what? Y'all done have me out her for almost 5 hours. The sun is going down, I'm hot, hungry and y'all bitches is irritating." I said pulling my wallet out from my jacket pocket and got up to the ice cream truck that was parked out on the crub.

These niggas got me out here in this hot ass Atlanta heat whispering and shit. Got me running around the mall convincing me to buy all this stuff. Now we downtown doing some more shopping like damn I was perfectly fine in bed with my pickle.

"Uh we got thirty minutes till the movie start." Kara said all happy with her hippy ass.

"Movie? Oh hell no." I shook my head. I moved ahead in line. "Can a get a vanilla cone. And can you dip it in that chocolate shit that makes a shell on it?"

"Yes ma'am." The lady in the truck said.

"Cool anndddd...." I saw they had the bag pickle. "Can I get one of those pickles please. I want the spicy one too." My mouth started watering and I haven't even it yet.

"Yes I can. Give me a second." She pulled out this iPad and typed on the screen. "Your total is $6.23. Will you be using cash or card."

"Cash." I pulled a twenty out and handed it to her. "Keep the change."

"Thank you." She said with a smile. A tiny recipt came out the square attached to it and she handed to me. "I'll get everything out to you in a second. Step to the other window and Talia will get everything out to you."

"Thank you."

"No, thank you."

I stepped out the way so others could order. I turned and faced the girls. "Why y'all got me running all over the damn city for? And what does this have to do with Rico's ass?" I leaned against the truck and looked at them.

"You'll just have to trust us." Demetri said.

I squinted my eyes at her. "Ion like how you said that. I don't like no suprises."

"I know that's why you gotta trust us." Demetri said getting in line.

"Here you go ma'am." I turned and got my stuff.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. You have a good day."

"You too." I went over to the bench and sat down. Hopefully this ice-cream ain't bout to have me blowing chunks. I sat my pickle next to me and put my cone in one hand and took my bag off my shoulder and sat it next to me.

"Elora Montes?" I looked up and a white girl with a mouth full of braces was looking at me.

"Hi?" Do I know her from somewhere?

"I'm a huge fan. I watched your interview with Oprah the other day and your such an inspiration." I keep forgetting people know who I am now. That's something I haven't gotten used to.

"Thank you." I gave her a smile.

"Can you sign my shirt or something? I'm sorry if I'm to excited I just love you."

"Your fine." I reached into my bag and pulled out a pen. She stretched her shirt out so I could sign it. "What's your name?"

"Melody." She said smiling. I signed my name and wrote her name under it with a heart. "Oh my gosh I'm so happy! I can't believe I just met you." She squiled.

"Melody come on. Your gonna be late to your appointment!" A woman yelled from the street.

"That's my mom. I gotta go."

"It was nice meeting you melody. My book releases in two days and I'm having an official signing that day it's at Barnes and Nobles at Edgewood Retail District at 3 o'clock. If you come up there I'll give you a free book."

"Oh my God! I can't believe this!" She look like her ass is about to cry.

"Melody come on!"

"Okay! Thank you so much." She ran down the street and I looked down at my ice cream.

"Finally." I bit into and nearly died. I looked over and saw Demetri looking at me. "What?"

"I didn't know you could be so nice."

"Shut up." I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and bit into my ice cream again. Corey sat next to me with her ice cream and put her feet in my lap.

"I didn't know I had the word footrest on my forehead."

"You do now." Kara and Demetri came into view with their ice cream and I rested my hand on my stomach.

"I see your not throwing up." Corey said.

"Bitch I'm just as suprised as you are. The baby must be giving my ass a break." I crossed my legs at the ankle and watched this woman and her baby at the taco stand next to us. It was a little girl and she was on the moms back playing in her hair. "I can't wait til my baby gets here." These three months came before I knew it and I can't wait for these other six to fly by too.

"I can. I'm not looking forward to the ripping and tearing." Corey said.

"But then they'll be here. And you'll get to hold them and all that good shit. I know once the baby gets here. Y'all not gone see me for a while."

"Why?" Kara asked leaning on the bench.

"I'm about to be like king Kong and that white girl. I can just feel it. I might let Rico hold it for thirty seconds. But I'm about to be on no games."

"Shut you know Ric is gonna be crazy when the baby gets here." Demetri said.

"We'll see." I said biting into my ice cream.

Kira pulled her phone out and her eyes got wide. "Everyone to the car the movie is starting early." She grabbed me by my arm and stood me up. "That means you too mama."

"Okay, okay. I'm getting in the car." I made sure my pickle was in my pocket before I got in. Kira closed the door and got in the drivers seat.


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