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Elora watched the Vietnamese man do her balance waiting for Corey and Demetri. Kara had arrived at the nail salon a few seconds after El.

"How you been? I haven't seen you in weeks." Kara asked sitting in the salon chair right next to her.

"I've been good. I was trying to get all these interviews and photo shoots out the way before I release my book. Rico and I just got back here just a few days ago from Chicago and we've been staying the house since we've been busy as hell for the past few weeks."

"I'm so happy for you." Kara smiled genuinely. "You had my ass crying up a storm in that interview with Oprah."


"Girl yes, I went through a whole box of tissues trying to stop crying."

"I'm sorry." Elora said with her bottom lip slightly poked out.

"Don't apologize you really have a good story to tell and everybody should hear that shit." Right as Kara finished her sentence Demetri and Corey came into the shop.

"Elora I'm so happy to see you." Corey said kissing her cheek. "Oh I'm so happy." She signed the appointment sheet and sat in the empty pedicure station.

"What's got in to you?" Demetri asked. "The whole way here you were mad and going off about Andre."

"Girl bye. I haven't seen my boo in forever." Corey sent a wink at El. Elora shook her head and watched the man fill in the out grown spaces on her other hand.


While she dealt with Corey and her uncontrollable excitement Rico was dealing with a bigger issue.


"You remember me? From the club?" Rico looked the girl up and down.

"Oh yeah. You the one that was downing all my bottles." Rico said putting all of his football gear in the trunk of his car.

"I'm sorry about that I had way to much to drink."

"I see." Rico said keeping the conversation dry. He knows Elora is crazy and he didn't want her to be lurking in the bushes and see him talking to this girl. He always acted like Elora was next to him when she wasn't around, so he'd keep all his conversations with other woman to a minimum just like if she was right there with him. 

"A shawty me and my boy gotta be placed. Come on Ze we gone be late for practice." Andre said rolling down the passenger seat window.

"I'm coming man." Rico closed the trunk and looked down at the five foot six white stranger who was trying to start a conversation with him. "If I see you out again stay away from my shit."

The girl laughed. "I definitely will. Maybe you and I can go out some time."

"Nah." Her smiled faded. "I gotta girl friend. I see you in scrubs so I assume you must go here too. I don't know if you're new here but everybody knows about my crazy ass girlfriend." Rico headed for the driver side door. "What's your name?"


"Macy, that's nice. You seem like a nice girl but my girlfriend would choke the life out of me just because of this conversation. So I think it's wise for me to end this conversation."

"That's crazy." She shook her head in shame. "She doesn't let you have female friends? That's not right."

"Whoa i said nothing about us being friends." He arched an eyebrow and leaned against his car door. 

"You didnt, but you know what I mean."

"I guess..... Well to be fair.... She doesn't have any male friends either. I even see her talking, laughing, or even looking at another nigga, me, her and dude gotta a problem. So it's fair. She can have as many female friends as she wants. But I'm not going for the whole boy Bestfriend shit though. She can be cool with my friends only because I know my niggas ain't gone try and fuck with her. So I believe it's fair that I practice what I preach and don't talk to females unless I have too. And in this case I don't need to." Rico opened the car door and got in, leaving Macy standing in the parking lot. "It was nice talking to you Macy." He gave her a fake smile before pulling off.

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