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I feel like I'm ready to start a new story.... but I'm writing three stories all at one time at the moment and don't wanna overwhelm myself with to many stories. Because that's a lot of updating to do and it's hard to keep up with the three already. But if I am gonna start new stories let me know what you want it to be about.



After checking out the stores in buckhead court I decided to threat myself to dinner.

I sat in the back of Bone's restaurant waiting for my food to come out. I ordered a whole bunch of shit. All this medicine I take makes me extremely hungry all the time.

That's why I was so mad when Beavis and butthead came knocking on my door interrupting my good ass breakfast.

Speaking of medicine. I reached down in my bag and grabbed my heart pills. Dr. Francisco diagnosed me with congestive heart failure. That's how much grandmother died, so I'm sure it was hereditary. But he also thinks the shit the prison was giving me to keep me calm all the time fucked me up too.

They were over dosing me which probably added onto the reasons for the heart attacks. They could've given me brain damage from those sedatives.

I washed the two horse pills down with the water my server brought out for me.

"I'm sorry for the wait ma'am your food should be out in five to ten minutes. Are you sure I can't grab you any appetizers?" Nathan my waiter asked putting his hands in the pockets of his apron.

"It's fine. And no thank you." I gave him a friendly smile.

"Alright then, I'll be back when you're food is ready."

"Thank you." He walked away disappearing around the corner.

I looked through all the emails in my phone to see the third email from Oprah. She really wants an interview with me and I'm seriously considering it.

People email and comment on my instagram asking me questions and shit all day. I think it's time I answer them and I think Oprah is the right person to do it with. I watch her channel all the time and noticed she's really direct and straightforward in her interview and that what I want. I don't need someone who's gonna dig deeper than what they need to.

As I read through her email I felt someone looking at me from across the room. Their aren't to many people in here but I can tell where it's coming from.


"You sure you have a girlfriend?" This same chick keep crawling up in my face trynna get dick from a nigga.

"Yes I'm sure." I sat back sippin on this bottle of Henny trynna enjoy this show. This nigga Tory Lanez brought out his whole crew to perform with him but I can't watch when this girl is all in my face.

"C'mon you don't have to be like that. I'm sure she won't mind." She tried kissing on my neck but I pushed off me so she can get the hint.

She only laughed. "You must like it rough?" She took the bottle of Henny from me and drank it down like water.

Damn. She a savage.

"You crazy man." I got up away from her and moved to the other side of the VIP section.


"Can I help you with something?" The guy hid behind his menu acting like he wasn't staring at me. I have to make a move since this nigga kept staring at me

Nathan put my food on the table quickly.

"Is someone bothering you miss?" He asked putting the fourth plate down.

"Yeah but I got this. Thank you for bringing my food out." I took my napkin from my lap and sat it on the table. I got out the booth and went over to the guys table across rhe restaurant and snatched the menu out his hands to reveal that guy from the museum.

I knew it!

Bitch are you following me?" He looked at me scared as fuck. "Answer me. You see me talking to you. That menu wasn't gonna hide your fat ass forever." I kept my voice low not to draw attention towards me.

"Don't hurt me. I'm just doing my job." He held his hands up.

"And what job is that? To creep me the fuck put?!" I looked back at my table to see my food looking real nice. "Why the fuck are you stalking me?"

"Don't tell him I told you. Please." He looked like his ass was gonna cry.

"Just tell me, my food is waiting." Why do people like to bother me when I'm about to eat?

"A friend of mine named Jamal Reeves asked me to spy on you since he's in jail." I can't believe it. I mean I can. But this is a long stretch even for Reeves.


"He's trynna get the story on your situation before you do an interview. Your story is worth a lot of money and he needs it." I rolled my eyes.

"Like I told his bitch ass before, if he needed money that bad he should've asked before coming in my house and sending pussies to spy on me. How much is he paying you for this?"

"Nine hundred."

"I'll double it. Matter-of-fact I'll triple it. If you do me a favor." His eyes lit up.

"Sure. Anything you want. I'll do it."

"You stay the fuck away from me and whatever you got on me, burn it. I know you took pictures of me at the museum, you wouldn't have been caught if you knew how to turn the sound off on you phone when you take pictures. What kind of spy does shit like that? Anyways, I want you to spy on Reeves. You have a pen?"

He reached in his coat pocket and pulled one out.

I took it and wrote my number on the back of his hand. "You call this number when you have news." He nodded. "I want you to know I have a gun. It's a nice gun. A uzi nine millimeter gun and I'll blow the nose off you if you come around me again. If you don't believe me ask your friends Reeves." I let from his table and went back to my booth and started eating.

Reeves trynna start trouble with me and I'm just trynna live my life.


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