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I decided to change Elora's character to someone younger looking.

Third person
Two weeks later....

Rico rubbed Elora's back as they laid in bed together. She was sleeping peacefully in his arms. The medicine that Dr. Francisco gave her is working. The voices are still there but the medicine made them manageable. Rico liked the fact that the medicine was working but he didn't like the fact that it made her sleep all day.

Rico is on Christmas break and he didn't want to go see his sisters or go to Chicago to see Caidon he wanted to stay at him with his girlfriend. But if she couldn't stay awake for five seconds it felt like she wasn'teven there.

They'd be watching a movie and she'd fall asleep. They could be driving on their way to dinner and she'd fall asleep in the car making Rico have to turn around and go back home.

Even though having a sleeping Beauty all the time was irritating, he understands. Kind of.  He'd rather have her sleep all day then be hearing or seeing strange things all the time. But he still can't help but feel angry sometimes since he can't even have a conversation before she's snoring away.

Elora woke up and stretched. "When did I fall asleep?"

Rico sighed to himself. "Right when I was telling you about how much I love you." Elora remembered they were having a really serious conversation about marriage and kids and all that and she couldn't help but doze off.

She's supposed to be calling doctor Francisco about lowering her dose since she think it's to strong. But she sleeps to much to every make it to the phone.

"I'm sorry baby. I'm up now." She sat criss cross on the bed and held his hand.

"Nah I'm cool." Even though he wasn't.


What the fuck?! Ugh I have to stop falling asleep!

"I'm sorry Ric."

"It's fine El you can go back to sleep." He got out the bed and went into the bathroom.

I put my head in my hands for a few seconds trying to wake up fully. I looked over at the alarm clock on his nightstand and saw it was 11:09 pm.

Maybe I can cook him something?

I went down to the kitchen to see two large pizza boxes on the kitchen counter. They're still warm two. I opened the lid to see it was all gone but two slices. I sighed and put the box with the two slices in it in the refrigerator.

"That's the third time this week." I ran back upstairs back to our bedroom.

Music was playing from the bathroom and the shower was going. I grabbed my phone off my vanity and found Dr. F's number. 

It rang a few times before it stopped. 

"Elora it's kind of late. What's wrong?" I walked out the bedroom and down the hall to loft area that looked over the entire house.

"I'm sorry to wake you up. I just wanted to talk to you about the medicine you gave me."

"Are they working? How are the side effects?" The was rustling on the other side like he was getting out of bed.

"They're working just fine. The side effects are what I'm worried about."

"What are you experiencing?"

"Nothing besides sleepiness. I can't stay awake for anything." Elora paced slightly.

"That's no good. You need to be awake while you take this. How long after you take the medicine do you fall asleep?"

"In like five minutes or less. Well that's what Rico tells me since I never remember falling asleep."

"I want you to stop taking the medicine."

Elora frowned. "What the hell? No. Then that crazy shit will start to come back."

"If you've been taking the pills three time a day it will be in your system for quite some time. You falling asleep like that can cause you to become narcoleptic. That means you'll fall asleep uncontrollably. And that can leave you with low muscle Control, which can make your Schizophrenia harder to maintain. How much does your dose say on the bottle?"

"I don't remember. Hold on let me check." I hurried back into our bedroom and then into the bathroom where Rico was still in the shower. I looked through the medicine cabinet and found the bottle.

It was so steamy I couldn't see. I looked over and could see Rico is the shower.

What in the hell is he doing? I got closer and I nearly dropped my jaw to the floor.

Oh hell no.

I scrambled out the bathroom and closed the door gently.

No fuckin way. He must not of heard me come in.

I brushed off what I saw and looked at the pill bottle. "It says 250 milligrams."

"Jesus. That's enough to take out a horse or someone three times your size. I don't know who messed that up at the pharmacy but I will fill out another prescription in the morning and I'll bring it to you personally when it's finished."

"Thank you so much."

"No problem. Just make sure you don't take anymore." He hung up ending the conversation. 250 milligrams? That's a lot of medicine. And I was taking that three times a day? That's 750 milligrams. Sheesh someone was trynna kill me.

I sat the pills on my dresser and shook my head.

Back to Rico's ass.

He was beating the shit......... I can't even. He could've- I'm here. Why does he need to do that when he has me? In know every man does it but shit.

I rubbed my temples and walked out the room as I heard Rico get out the shower.

I need to be working on my book. After I got out the hospital I called the woman from the book publishers. Lori says she'd saw my melt down on TV. Sya tried to get the media off me as much as possible but it was nearly impossible. It's embarrassing knowing millions saw you almost kill yourself but somehow it had a positive outcome. More people donated to my foundation after that. More people wanted to interview me which I probably won't do.

Of course there are negative comments but I never fully read them. I deleted all my pictures off instagram and deleted all my tweets when I got out the hospital. But I posted a picture of Rico and I ands left a long paragraph about how much he means to me and there were thousands of comments full of positivity, but this one bitch left a comment saying my story was boring. And me killing myself would be way more interesting than my prison story. But it doesn't effect me since this medicine makes me numb to most things so I don't trip over that irrelevant comments.

I just decided to do the right thing and block hey instead of trying to go find her like old Elora would've done.

So i decried to add the negative things into my book. Lori wanted me to start writing as soon as I could. And I have. I'm only on chapter 4 out of 35. I'm trying to type everything out just to get it all the stories down before I start picking and choosing what I do and don't want the readers to know.

Rico came in with a towel around his waist and for some reason his presence annoyed me.

"I was letting you know I was headed to bed." I looked at him for a second before I went back to typing.

"I'll be there in a second." He nodded before leaving out the room.

I shook my head and started typing again.


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