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That makeup sex with Rico was nice. He took everything slow since I can't be having no rough shit like how we usually be doing. Sex with congestive heart failure is a no no. But who gives a Fuck? I needed that shit.

Right now we're leaving our hotel room to go outfit shopping. I'm here in Chicago to do my interview with Oprah. After me and Rico was done rolling around in the sheets I got a call from Oprah's manager Porscha. She called me asking if I was ready for an interview. I of course told her yeah considering the fact me and Oprah have been emailing each other for a couple days trying to arrange everything.

Porscha told me since I'm ready she was gonna book me and Rico's flights for the next morning. Now here we are in Chicago. The interview is scheduled for ten A.M. tomorrow. They want to do a full shoot to get everything done in one day. Her TV network wants to air the interview as soon as possible. They got commercials about it already and I just got here.

I stepped inside footlocker and immediately started looking around. Oprah said I don't have to dress up if I didn't want to, she just wants me to be myself. And that's what I'm gonna do. I'm not a heels type person. So I'm deciding to wear sneakers instead. I packed all kind of shit to wear but none of the stuff I packed really seemed TV ready. So I went through multiple stores downtown to find something I like.

When I worked at the strip club I always ended up taking my shoes off before I went of stage or I'd have Jordan's on . Even when Reeves had me on the corners I would wear sneakers. Which turned buyers off since they wanted one of the girls in seven inch heels to hop in their cars.

I was never picked which is a good thing. I would hide behind the bolder girls who threw themselves out there. But when they saw me and then saw my shoes they'd drive right past me since I didn't fit the look. Of course Reeves would beat my ass since I never brought any money in. At least I wasn't having sex with ten men during those nights.

Tennis shoes saved my ass from walking around with a freak show for a vagina between my legs. So i keep a clean pair in case someone wants to check for me.

"Hi welcome to footlocker. Can I help you with anything?" A cute little light skin girl came up to me. I read her name tag to see her name is Ramsey.

"No thank you. I'm just looking around."

"Alright let me know if you do." She backed away slowly with smile on her face.

"Okay. Thanks." I went over to the wall and saw a pair of those Rihanna pumas. I took it off the shelf and held it in my hand. Shoe shopping is an addiction. Ever since I got my first paycheck check from the club I been on that shoe shit. And it's not just Jordan's. Any kind of shoe I think is nice, I buy 'em.

I looked around and started taking the ones I wanted off the shelf. I wish Rico wasn't off doing God knows what so he could help me reach some of these. Last time I saw him we were in the Adidas store together down the street. I don't even know how we got separated.

"Do you need help with these?" That Ramsey girl asked. She took some of the shoes from me and put the on a bench a couple feet behind me.

"Yeah, thank you."

"You're welcome. Are you trying all of these?" She raised her eyebrows looking at all the shoes.

I laughed. "Yeah, can I have these in a size seven?"

"Yes you can." She walked away into the back of the store and I sat down and waited.

I took a deep breath trying to calm my nerves.

This interview tomorrow is going to be seen by millions.  And this interview is probably one of the most important things I have ever done. This interview will finally answer everybody's annoying ass questions.  I told Oprah that I didn't want to know the questions she's gonna ask. I feel if I know I'll spend all night thinking of a way to butter the whole situation up. I want it to be raw and real. I want every answer I give to be 110% from the heart.

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